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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Have you seen young men without good role models in their life? I have, they break things and hurt people. There are exceptions to every rule obviously, but especially in the growing toxic male culture that we have right now young men are in precarious positions. I’m a huge fucking nerd, I built my own computer in high school and was captain of the quiz bowl team. It’s still important to find positive and healthy outlets for the energy young men have. This poster specifically pointed out that they do have toxic male influences in their life already. Keeping active is never bad advice and while I may have been over emphasizing some things, it’s important to address behavior now before he starts driving, working, going out on his own, etcetera etcetera

  • Unfortunately, yeah. The more you let people walk over you the more comfortable they get doing it. Being blunt is a good way to stop that kind of behavior, when someone is rude asking direct questions like “why are you saying that about them?” makes people uncomfortable and will get them to stop dragging you into drama. Especially in today’s American climate people feel emboldened to attack people they see as “weak” so you need to not appear “weak” and (this is the much more difficult part) stand up for everyone else who the bullies are targeting

  • First things first, I’d suggest looking into Big Brothers, Big Sisters if you’re in America. I’ve been a part of their program and it’s a great organization dedicated to helping kids exactly like this

    OK, onto real advice: it sounds like you’re a woman and one of the things you need to address early with young men is respect. He will become significantly stronger than you very soon. He will have a ton of hormones pumping through his body. He is going to become dangerous to himself and others. He will be curious about how strong he is. You have to make sure he explores that safety. This is something all men go through and it’s important to have a good foundation or he can start spiraling down bad paths. You need to police his internet usage, his friends, and his role models or he could very easily start sliding into anti-women and abusive views

    If he’s not enrolled in any sort of physical activity I would encourage you to find one. He’s going to have basically unlimited energy and channeling that into sports is usually better than the alternatives. That’s also tricky because you need to pay attention to the leadership of those activities to ensure that they are good influences

    Now the fun stuff: he is going to be hungry for the next 5 years. If you haven’t grown up with boys it’s hard to understand but he can eat 6000 calories in a day and barely notice. My family used to order 2 pizzas when I was a teen, I would eat an entire one and they would eat the other. I’m not exaggerating when I say my average food in a day was a full continental breakfast, 2 deli sandwiches, chips, a dessert and a soda for lunch, an after school snack (usually leftovers), a large dinner, and dessert. I’m not a fat guy, nor was I in school. You will likely think at some point “he can’t possibly be eating that much food” and I assure you that he can

    Ultimately what is important is that you have to build a good moral foundation for him. You will lose the ability to control him and when that happens all of the work you’ve done raising him will reflect in the way he acts

  • I’m glad you’re happy but I got similar results in half the time. I went from 40k, to 70, then 80, then 120, and finally 135 now in about 6 years. Of those each time I got a new job, except for 70 to 80 which was when I went from contracting to full time at the same job. Hell, I asked my manager at that job how I could get a raise and he said my best bet was to quit, go work somewhere else and come back in a few years. My number one piece of career advice I give everyone is “quit your job” especially if you work corporate

  • Arthur (1981). I really like the theme song when it comes up so I thought I’d give it a go, especially considering it won an Oscar. The titular character sucks, which I’m aware is the point but it’s just aged so poorly. I have no sympathy for this effective billionaire, I don’t care that nobody loves him for his personality, I don’t care that he’s drowning himself in booze, and frankly, he annoys me. I’m sure he gives up the money and booze for love at the end but that still doesn’t redeem him being so fucking annoying. I’m predisposed to dislike him and nothing he does in the first 45 minutes changes that

  • Founder’s Day. That movie fucking sucks. To quote Community “if you conspire with everyone then there’s no conspiracy, you’re just helping people.” Everyone seems to be betraying everyone for no discernable gain, none of the actors seem to be aware that they’re in the same genre as their costars, and it’s never clear whose side your on. Finally the mastermind of this scheme has what I call “the Palpatine problem.” If you’re capable of manipulating every side of a conflict in such a way that they all die and you’re left in power… aren’t you already effectively in control of everything? And isn’t it smarter to rule behind the scenes where you don’t have a target on your back AND you aren’t responsible for a bunch of serious crimes AND is it really important to you to explain your grand plans to a teenager? What do you gain from setting these events in motion? It’s a stupid ass movie, and I watch a lot of movies