Disliked it as a movie.
Disliked it as a movie.
I have seen comments from folks wanting a sequel. I just…
Alita: Battle Angel.
It starts off bad but when Alita signs up to be a hunter or whatever they are called and dons the coat and goes to the bar it’s just embarrassing. I feel sorry for everyone involved. When I got to the bar scene the second time I tried to watch the film I remembered why I stopped the first time.
What scenes do they remember?
New commentary for HL2 if anyone’s looking for an excuse to play it again.
New commentary for HL2. Gonna have to play it again.
It would be hilarious if it became the biggest instance of its kind within a very short amount of time.
Thanks for taking the time.
Can you elaborate on the aspects you found awful?
I’ve been listening to the audiobook and have enjoyed it so far. About half way through.
I hope that floating navbar style doesn’t become mainstream. Distracting to the point of making me sick.
That tree looks familiar.
This is a ban of those apps on work issued devices, not personal devices. I suspect there’s a range of reasons for doing this but I don’t think the apps being compromised is one of those reasons. Most likely the opposite, the apps work too well.
That’s not the case with my parents.
I think this is a limitation of Android that cannot be overcome.
Dragonfly atop a crepe myrtle I think.
Just add gambling for world peace.