Stamford Bridge Treaty!
Stamford Bridge Treaty!
It’s bud. Like cut it off before it blooms into whatever awful thing it’s growing into.
I’m all for sticking it to the chuddy guys who call themselves ‘alpha’ and behave accordingly. But there’s a bit more to it than “alpha wolves doesn’t real”.
The scientists who observed the ‘alpha wolf’ behavior were seeing something: wolves in captivity. Which is something that has an analogous human experience in prison.
But since there are an awful lot of these ‘alpha guys’ who have (somehow) never caught a charge, much less spent a stint in prison, maybe it says something about how, maybe, they feel imprisoned on the outside. Like maybe their school, work, home, or social life feels penned in in a way that is not healthy.
A dumb sunuvabitch who didn’t respect civilian authority and you don’t know why a lot of the rest of society seems to love him?
I wonder how much of the rejection of real issues with marijuana are the after effects of nearly a century of it being demonized with sources like “we made it up” or “we just really want to jail black people and college students”.
Then again, we have people out there believing that the entire world was ruled by a single nomadic horde, the world was flooded with mud in the mid 1800s, and 1*1=2 so we might just have a broader issue with people rejecting facts they don’t like.
Just spray your roads with industrial waste to control dust. What’s the worst that could happen?
Kennedy wore a top hat to his inauguration. And I feel like any impression of Jackie features the pill box hat.
And Bond is British, what would he care about fashion trends on this side of the Atlantic?
The fact that there’s very little clearance for a proper hat inside of a car (as opposed to the higher ceiling in trains and buses) played a much larger role in killing the hat.
If they open too many more they’ll just have one big front.
Little noise
Well, until you grab the wrong lever to brake.
Nah it’s just Penn’s Woods. Transylvania is across the woods from… Hungary? Wallachia? Moldavia?
Yes, but they usually call it “the rest of Moldova” or “Moldavia”
Adam was a golem
Everybody who knows that every hardship he faced leading up to the incident was self-inflicted.
He was said to have the best fed sharks in the Caribbean. Political dissidents had a tendency to disappear during his reign.
Every vote for Biden in Steubenville is another vote that somebody in Cleveland doesn’t have to counter, so yes, vote.
The electrical vote is state by state (with two states, Maine and Nebraska divying all but two of those votes one per congressional district), so your vote in a swing state matters.
I’m saying ‘Ira[x] bought a bunch of uranium from Niger’ sounds awfully familiar.
When did it become 2003 again? And why is it one letter off from the way I remember it?
Debs ran from prison (for the high crime of telling people that WWI was none of our business and people shouldn’t enlist to get turned toa pink mist in Belgium) in 1920
As for voting as a felon, that varies state to state. I don’t think there’s anyplace that allows people to vote from prison, but quite a few states let convicted felons vote once they’ve completed their sentence and any parole that follows it (and in some states, pay additional fines, which sounds a bit like a poll tax to me, but I’m not one of our nine kritarchs, so what do I know about that sort of thing?)
As for people running for office when they couldn’t vote, Elizabeth Cady Stanton ran for office well before she could have voted, and the first woman elected to Congress (Jeanette Rankin) was elected in 1916, several years before women’s suffrage was added to the constitution, though her state, Montana, had allowed women to vote already.
The car is convenient. Until you have to park. Or, if there’s enough parking, until you have to run all the utilities between all the places that are now much more spread out. And do maintenance on all those pipes and wires and parking lots and every widening roads between those destinations.
Biological AI?