Exactly the same for me. Never saw any particular party as one worth affiliation with my voting choices though I do end up voting for Democrat backed choices most often.
Exactly the same for me. Never saw any particular party as one worth affiliation with my voting choices though I do end up voting for Democrat backed choices most often.
I visit daily for a few of the top stories on r/all and some subreddits like, r/Helldivers, but overall my interest in anything else on that site has soured. It’s not nearly as engaging as it was and the subs that get pushed are just terrible copies of what was great. It’s definitely died before but this is different.
this has happened to the Russians, too. Is this in their military culture? was it a set up? bad Intel? really stupid decision to allow that to happen.
I’m so sick of seeing “new driver please be patient” stickers. I get I live in a car state (CA), but honestly those folks worry me the most. We really need stricter laws about driving and better yet more rigorous testing of new drivers. Like your first test should reflect the most grueling driving day you’d experience in the state. should take all day and even do a night time course. We need to be sure these new drivers aren’t going to hit anything before they are allowed the "privilege " of sharing our roads. Dead squirrels could just as easily be dead kids.
And that’s my rant.
43, US - can and do drive a manual.
Always had a feeling Russia was pro-cancer…