You really are a useful idiot, subtly blaming Ukraine for its own invasion.
You really are a useful idiot, subtly blaming Ukraine for its own invasion.
It hurts people they think are lesser, such as LGBTQ and people of color. Racism and bigotry are very much alive in the USA. They would eat a shit sandwich if they thought a lib would smell their breath. Hate is all they know.
If I missed 10 days of work it would take me a year to recover. The oligarchs are sitting pretty and they know it. It would take an army of Luigis to change anything.
Incorrect. The book itself means very little, just their interpretation.
I understood some of those words. It make network go?
More than half of Americans are OK with fascism. No fixing this.
You have my axe, for what it’s worth. Godspeed.
I’d bet any amount of money that within the next few elections a republican will fly a flag with an obscure white supremacist rune on it
I said expired, not suspended. Not the same thing and you know it. Also, he must be doing something wrong or he wouldn’t have been pulled over? Reasoning skills, you lack.
A cop giving a ticket for a simple expired license is a dickhead. Don’t say that in court.
This thread is incredible. Is there a bestoflemmy?
Edit: Wow! 30 upvotes! I’ve never had this many. I want to thank my mom and the Lord god
Work hard for your boss every day and you, too, can be rich! Bootstraps, people.
Yes but she gets confused. She denies people are using her card but I doubt mom would order something from tiktok llc
She consents, however she’s not mentally well enough to know she’s being robbed. Someone has been taking her cash and tried to use her debit card. The bank flags it, cancels her card, then she has to wait 2 weeks for a new card. Her bank is a credit union in another state, so she has no money until then. I have power of attorney as of 3 days ago
Yes that’s what I meant
Ideas are what I’m looking for. Clock camera is a good idea
Do tell, how did Ukraine provoke the invasion?