don’t forget the absence of easy to install addons! such a delight!
don’t forget the absence of easy to install addons! such a delight!
no blame at all! i’m just worried this bitterness starts to overshadow his approach to the topic in general and makes ppl avoid his videos because “ya ok, you don’t like modern smartphones, we get it”.
rossmann starts to sound bitter. not that he’s wrong most of the times, it’s just a certain vibe lately …
ya, ok, keep doing your thing while ignoring everything ppl say to you by pretending you’re right about everything because you say so - i hope it works out for you and may your daughters marry well :)
I’m already aware that you are not able to take part in a discussion, dodging topics and context, so all you have are ad hominem attacks - at least I know what kind of person you are :)
Something to think about for you: „occupy“ - amongst other groups with similar missions - started to fail the moment ppl showed up and introduced identity politics, ripping the movement apart until no one took them serious anymore and the infighting destroyed the „closed front“. The 1% adopted that strategy and guess who’s now defending mass migration (not migration in general, unchecked, unselective, unconditional mass migration) as something everyone will benefit from without having any precedent while the ppl who have to actually live with the consequences beg to differ. Maybe you being a citizen of a country with almost half the citizens of cities like London and having a relatively strict immigration policy is not in a position to tell people what’s going on when it comes to this.
ps.: you posting a broken link and still gloating about, trying to frame it as an “own”, really fits the picture.
For someone not being able to see the bigger picture you’re language is quite strong. Stay happy being a corporate slave, cya.
The rate is rising again - +62k unemployed in just one month, Germany is on an economically downward spiral right now, closing major industry and losing it to other countries. The unemployment rate of migrants is 15% and rising, btw. The argument that there are so many positions open and Germany needs migrants to fill this position is one that i hear for over 20 years now and yet it never goes away. Also, you can‘t just put random ppl in random jobs because they‘re open right now, it‘s not the GDR anymore. Qualification is a major issue here.
And yet you‘re just spilling phrases, can‘t argue on your own. You point your finger at me and say that I’m „slavishly following the default narrative (of) the rich“ while you‘re just repeating the same corporate speak that once killed the „occupy“-movement, coined by the 1% to divide the working class for good. Tell me: when you‘re pov aligns with basically all mega corps, political parties, celebrities and mainstream news outlets: who‘s the slave of the rich?
in that case, let’s hope apple - and anyone else who plans to sell on the eu market - will make something like that happen again without compromising other aspects of the phone (design).
“I think it was apple, but someone claimed that removable batteries would make the phones thicker and more expensive to make.” - say goodbye to IP67 rating.
if said economies gatekeep and hand select the ppl they let in, yes, but the exact opposite of that is happening. and no one is interested to tackle the problems that built up the need for immigration in the first place, creating a pretty bad circle.
germany has taken in over a million migrants in since 2015, how is it possible that so many jobs are still open? following your logic the unemployment rate must be in the low single digit percent, meanwhile there are talks to foce ppl to work longer …
it’s not “inherently bad”, but the way and scale it happens right now, is - for everyone involved. you can gaslight yourself as much as you want, blaming “demagogues” and “the yellow press” for the bad image, turn around and use the exact same indiscriminating and shallow approach to portrait it as something intrinsic great without seeing the irony in it. and again, it’s fascinating how ppl like you chose to simply ignore the brain drain for other countries and the continuing social and economic downward spiral there because of it because in your opinion it’s “the best solution for many of our problems and also just regular people like us” [citation needed].
just take a close look at germany and tell me that it’s going to be fine there. denmark is probably not the best example for this since immigration laws got more strict since 2021.
“In general, immigration (yes, including mass immigration)is a huge cultural and economic boon to any country with proper infrastructure to handle the transition.” - that’s not what’s happening in like europe right now, it’s even getting worse, but i guess some ppl will continue to try to meme this into reality. and let’s not talk about draining other countries of it’s workforce, something that’s conveniently gets ignored everytime a topic like that pops up.
not in that quantity. not with journalists, activists and politicians being in line with (big) employers. it’s not about “immigration”, it’s about “mass immigration” by mostly poor and undereducated ppl (not judging) who will do low end and manual labour for $10/h less, no fix hours and no insurance. those people get used and abused and the domestic workers are getting dumped, accelerating the social downward spiral faster with every day.
it’s either creating social collapse or a new wageslave caste, everyone loses but the big shots.
now combine this with deregulation and you got a big corps wet dream utopia. guess who’s not joining unions?
i wonder what happened in the last decade that gave western countries a much bigger and less discerning workforce to select from that enables them to dump wages … ?
Thx for that breaking news on technology.