To add to that, use those nitrile gloves when you cook. It’s a game changer for food prep, especially when working with raw meat
To add to that, use those nitrile gloves when you cook. It’s a game changer for food prep, especially when working with raw meat
I feel this deep inside
My experience is that if you are unable to verify a Google gift card, even one given to my child as a birthday gift, you’re fucked
Oryx & Crake - solid start to a Margaret Atwater series. Lots of world building and exposition. Looking forward to continuing the series. Currently reading Fairy Tale by Stephen King
T9 was the shit
Well. There’s gotta be a first time on a new platform. Congratulations
If it’s just another server that I can choose to follow or not, whatever, doesn’t bother me. Anything that will make the fediverse better, faster is ok imo.
That being said, I do not, nor will ever trust Facebook
My reddit app has always been baconreader. My favorite feature, and the reason I’ve stuck with them for almost a decade is their slideshow view. Basically an infinite side scroll of consecutive posts in whatever sub you’re in. Would love to see that feature and would be happy to beta
How else is the comment supposed to be perceived?
They seem to sprout about once a year or so. I have a few so it’s hard to keep track
Use a virtual credit card when signing up for subscription services. Set the recurring amount at just enough to cover the trial amount, and then once the subscription fee goes up it’ll notify you if you wish to continue paying for it. You can increase the limit if you want to keep the service, or just let the card decline until the service is cancelled. Most credit cards have virtual cards as an option, but I also use app.paywithextend.com