It’s for taxes. 3days a week means that you’re an in office employee for most subsidies.
They’ll find out that they have to pay the Cartels a big tax.
You should get a bread maker.
Brain drain is terminal for a technology product (most of the time). In the short term I’ll focus on making our products portable (migrating ec2 init scripts to docker, using frameworks for server less instead of using direct apis etc…). And when the time comes switch to whatever is best.
Maybe it’s time to consider alternative cloud providers at work. AWS is pretty good but they’re going to alienate a ton of talented engineers by doing this.
I’ll believe it when I see it.
How dare you accurately describe me!
Google’s presentation software is on par, if not better than Office, especially for embedded YouTube/videos for demos.
MS used to have a large moat on office suite functionality. But Gdocs has largely closed the gap.
Google Docs is fast becoming the standard office suite in a lot of organizations.
Synthic CDOs were just one example of the problem we didn’t learn. There’s a whole logic, risk and visibility problem around derivatives of derivatives. The fact that the CFTC has suspended swap reporting, and that we have a derivatives markets that is so massive and then we have derivatives (like swaps) based on those derivatives is a system designed to fail.
The derivatives market is over $1 quadrillion dollars large.