When this group of people on discord are online: Helldivers 2. It’s a nice way of killing time while chitchatting.
When not: Factorio with the recently release Space Age expansion. Absolutely loving it.
When this group of people on discord are online: Helldivers 2. It’s a nice way of killing time while chitchatting.
When not: Factorio with the recently release Space Age expansion. Absolutely loving it.
This depends. I’ve found that the cheaper KVM solutions are pretty picky when it comes to supported hardware and standards. While the more expensive/industrial ones are more forgiving.
Well, logically the immunity would also cover the vice president, as the stated argument for immunity was that a president should be able to act without having to clear everything with a lawyer. Logically, a vice president should then also have the same immunity.
So I guess murdering the president to take their job simply has to be done while shouting “This is an official act of the office of the vice president!” as a battle cry.
And I know. But I’m lazy.
Registered neidu3 there, but I’m not giving you my email address. Any chance you could activate my account manually?
Very marketable, but not from a corporate standpoint. I love it. I think you’ll be seeing neidu3 registering soon.
Not sure honestly. It may have been the year before. Or even earlier. Or maybe I’m just slow at noticing popular media trends. As you can see, I’m doing great at growing old.
With all the Bowsettes last year, I’m tempted to say no in the name of equality.
20 years ago, the right wing propaganda machine was focused on (before they went full out fascist) low taxes for the “job creators” such as corporations and rich people, on the basis of that leading to more lucrative job opportunities for everyone else. The thinking was that the people and corporations in this low-tax environment would have incentives for creating jobs “here” instead of moving them overseas.
Not everyone on that side of the isle have realized that this results in jobs still ending up overseas, along with money that could’ve funded schools, roads, libraries, et al. And many of those who have realized it continue along the same path because it’s too profitable for them to do so.
Remember this next time you hear slogans such as “trickle down economy”, or Glitch McConnells favorite: “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”.
Because incineration or proper disposal is not the problem. Gathering and segregation is. Plus, launching that sort of payload is going to be insanely costly.
The sheer volume is manageable as it currentlyis, but it’s spread out so much that collecting it properly is going to take a lot of time an effort.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a bit of a misnomer, as it’s more of a vague area in which trash tends to collect. It’s not like an actual continuous patch that you can easily attack with a net.
Ouch, that’s my exhaust vent
Because they’re a great surrogate for close counter friendships when none are available
Neither. By “we” I mean my colleagues and I at work. It’s a proprietary thing we use. I cannot share the name as it’s too easily googleable and doxxable, as it’s a highly niche system.
"I present to you the next generation of thingamawidgets. The future of thingamawidging: The SVeLNeRBLoMTtm "
I can sort out the blue aspect through cheap spray paint, but I need to do some research on making a 19" rack round…
Heh, that made me realize that the trademark of the system we’re currently using, which is abbreviated into four letters, should have the first three in the opposite order.
There’s a lot of context that I cannot share without making it a two week course in what I do for a living, but to put it simply, both versatility and modularity are descriptors that make sense together for the intended audience, as the system can be one without the other. Plus versatile refers to the software, and modular refers to the hardware.
Pumpkin doesn’t make sense either, so I just assume it’s one of those cutesy nicknames. Either that, or maybe they just like Dwight Schrute. A lot.
Pure destilled happiness. Plus she got the news delivered by Jeremy Renner. What a day!
I tend to agree with you. Plus, with this particular thing, it’s possible to build it to be modular and not versatile, or the other way around. Or neither, which we’re using now.
I just landed on my 3rd - Gleba. Vulcanus and Fulgora are “good enough” for now. Once I have Gleba science up and running, I’ll migrate to a bigger Nauvis base, because my starter base is bottlenecked by copper throughput with no easy way of increasing it.