I was like that once. I solved it by quitting my job for a less stressful one.
I was like that once. I solved it by quitting my job for a less stressful one.
Any particular languages?
I’m a guitarist myself. Piano is certainly up there on the list of skills I wish I had.
I’m a hobbyist programmer myself. I’ve picked up a few languages along the way, and by far the best approach I have found to learning is a simple but real practical use case. Find the smallest task you want your program to do, break it down into even smaller subsections, and then start to figure out how to transform it into code. It usually takes less code and knowledge about a language than you think.
I’m having a hard time imagining that creating shareholder value was ever a motivation for those working on the floor.
The internet. Web2.0 made everything worse with trackers and three companies running almost everything.
Broadcast: dropping leaflets from an airplane
Sounds like your circle is growing apart. It happens. In this particular case, some personalities have grown enough to not be compatible with some of the others.
I’m not good at situations like these, so I don’t really have a solution for you, other than accepting the fact that your circle of six will soon no longer be six. Stick to the ones who are still reasonable, and with time the toxic ones will either remain so among themselves or will push away the part of the group that is more in line with how you’re perceiving the social dynamic.
Can confirm. It was common here in Norway. My dad got most of his news updates and weather forcasts from there, as he was usually busy during the evening news broadcast.
Do they have that new car(t) smell?
Anyone who lives near the sea an can see ships disappear behind the horizon.
I just grab whatever gets a scene release on my preferred piracy site, provided that it does not involve superheroes or something else that has saturated screens for the past 15 years. And when I find myself on an airplane I look through what I have on my portable USB drive and pick something, mostly at random, because I like knowing as little as possible about a movie before watching it, to the point where I consider trailers to be spoilers.
If you feel like translating norwegian: https://kirkensbymisjon.no/
There’s this group that provides Christmas meals for people who otherwise wouldn’t have one. Homeless people et al.
It’s pretty cheap and easy to donate - send an SMS to a number and get billed a small sum on the next phone bill, and the cost is enough to cover said meal for two people.
My work phone bill is sent and automatically paid my employer, so I make sure they donate to the same cause. I’ve been doing it for years and to this day no employer has gone on the record not in support of the cause.
Just hope your school bully doesn’t find it.
Destiny Potato - Addict
Great song
Great buildup
Epic guitar solo
EDIT: Seems my suggestion is somewhat popular, so in case it wasn’t already known, the entire album, Lun, is amazing.
A really obese person wouldn’t be considered healthy, though.
I learned once upon a time that a healthy person needs about three weeks to starve to death if they have water. Not sure how accurate it is as it’s part of the rule of three mnemonic; 3 minutes without oxygen, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food. However, it does at least seem reasonably plausible, so we can use that as a baseline.
Now, beer does have some nutrients, but far from enough of the ones you need. It has to be balanced with water to be able to burn the alcohol without dehydrating yourself. I would therefore think that the beer in moderate amounts might help some, but not a lot. Four weeks total, maybe?
I’ve had stationary PCs sonce the 90’s and never cared about led or glass, so I have of course been through all design trends during the past 25 years. I can simply sum it up as:
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