Because Lemmy isn’t serving you content based on some convoluted marketing algorithm?
Because Lemmy isn’t serving you content based on some convoluted marketing algorithm?
I really enjoy it. Love the 4 player option to play with my kids.
No! Maybe I should work on this because it was fairly simple for me to do after some research.
It actually was pretty straightforward. Saying this from experience as I used a tensortt container image with a 1060 for image clarification
Not docker but you could do k3s and use the Nvidia GPU operator to manage installing video drivers for you on your single node cluster.
I’ll have to take another crack at it sometime. You can do all kinds of container privilege modification in Kubernetes and maybe I just missed the one I need to set. I’ll try to find the analog for the one you shared here. Thanks!
True. I kind of consider IoT a category of device nomenclature but that’s not true.
I wish Home assistant was more conducive to running on Kubernetes. I tried it but so much of the local discovery doesn’t work without being in the same LAN as all your IoT devices.
The important concepts aren’t that complicated.
Instead of nesting a computer (VM’s) the operating system makes the program think it’s on its own dedicated computer (isolated file system space, cpu, and memory shares). A Dockerfile is just a basic script to construct one of these computers by commands and files.
The real reason people get excited is because they can ship a Docker “image”. It’s a layered filesystem which really is just like saying there’s a system tracking who puts what files in what place and so it’s easier to just send the whole setup to someone then try to document how you should set all that stuff up to run their software.
This is “dummier” proof than the pre-existing convention of just using a package manager to do this for you.
No comments on this yet. YouTube has PeerTube but others have discussed the difficulty of paying for hosting for video vs text. With the problem of “who’s paying” not yet figured out it might be too difficult to manage.
I use Hover. They haven’t fucked me so far.
What’s the use of implementing Redux in Rust?
Can that be interopped with tooling like Yew, Sycamore?
I thought those tools already provide those features or are they missing a state manager?
Curious. Could you 3d print a propeller or does it demand some sort of higher quality manufacturing process? For a DIY drone project slapping some toroidal propellers just to test it out seems doable.
If you subscribe to those subs then your home page will be just those subs. If I go to all I get memes and politics. But I have noticed posts in “groups” and think it’s mostly bots on subs hitting specific target times for engagement.