google communism
google communism
Permethrin is toxic to cats; however, it has little effect on dogs. Many cats die after being given flea treatments intended for dogs, or by contact with dogs having recently been treated with permethrin. In cats it may induce hyperexcitability, tremors, seizures, and death.
yeah sure. there’s the connection level of each knot itself, with higher levels giving you more chiral bandwidth and i’m pretty sure gives you higher numbers of online structures in that area too, but i’m not certain about that.
other than that tho there’s bridge contracts which state they give you a stronger connection to that player so you both share more of your structures with each other. i actually forgot about that until the last few days and after adding the max 30 contracts i def have more structures.
i also suspect that if you like online structures actively rather than just letting it get a like when you use it the game gives you more other players and structures as well, but i’m not certain on that one either. it makes sense to me what with the ‘likers get liked’ sign mechanic and how the amount of likes you can get overall is a skill to improve as well as your time to give likes increasing with skill as well.
online stuff smattered everywhere. plenty of people still playing and i imagine a good handful also snagged it like i did when epic gave it away for a day. there’s also older stuff like well placed safe houses and joke bridges on flat land or mountain peaks that have an insane number of likes so they must’ve been there for years.
also there’s a page where you can see the players you’ve interacted with, your likes for them and their likes for you and it also shows last login date, and most of mine are online recently like me with some maybe last logged in in january, or late last year. i did see one who hasn’t played since '22 but they’ve still got stuff in my world, too, so i think there’s some playtime syncing where a bridge or whatever might actually be destroyed in their game if they logged in today but since it was there from hour 5 to 25 of their playthrough you’ll get it at hour 5 and will stay if you repair it unlike they did. but that’s a guess.
edit: for quick reference when you log in you get a summary of people liking your stuff and yesterday i saw “75 players are pleased with you, 7328 likes”. so definitely still active. also no spoilers but there are a game mechanic or two that affects how many other players you are connected to, so your actions in game can determine how many people’s stuff shows up, as well.
got death stranding when it was free for a day on epic a while ago, been playing it for the last few weeks pretty nonstop and just finished the story. i’ve always been a kojima fan for mgs but oh my god this is magnificent. an absolute masterpiece, imho. i get it’s not for everyone but i’ve had a blast and may immediately do a very hard offline second playthrough. definitely recommend, especially if you can grab it free or heavy discount.
tbf there’s a lot more you can do on a pc than browse the internet, and especially considering the time period represented visually and the post text referencing dwarf fortress, i suspect they mean games, single player games particularly.
it’ll never not be too soon
the difference between the lockdowns where there was understandably a drastic drop in crime to after lockdowns were lifted does not a trend make; it’s an externality, and the only rise i referenced. comparing pre lockdown to post lockdown there is a clear continued drop in crime overall. i referenced this lockdown ‘rise’ particularly because it’s what media and fascists have used to pursue greater police budgets and stricter laws and campaigning, and it is misleading at best to parrot their fear mongering over ‘rising crime’ especially without any data to back it up.
you’re the one asserting there’s def an established trend of rising crime and dismissing data that shows you wrong while still offering no data yourself.
where’s your data showing this trend of rising crime that has not stopped, bud? because everything i’ve seen shows less crime than before lockdown with only comparing to during lockdowns looking like any increase. they offered data, you offer none except the assumption that there def is a trend in rising crime.
counterpoint: the closeups are meant to be seen as simultaneous, it’s a sort of psuedo slo-mo so you can see each character’s reaction in a fast situation.
yeah i’m sure not voting definitely will change things
oh wait
and before you go on about doing other stuff than voting, you know that voting doesn’t keep you from also doing those things? not voting is just bad, no good. you’re not giving the state the finger you’re laying down and saying ‘do with me what you will idc.’
i got mine from using a random word generator until i hit one i liked the look of
similarly if you’re using arrow keys to move the cursor where you want, ctrl + arrow key moves you along word by word instead of letter by letter.
one of her reasons is “erasure of femininity in gaming” with a screen bemoaning “masculine features” of modern female characters, and her pinned comment says “you know things are bad when oblivion npcs are prettier than some of these new game characters” and also thanks asmongold for sending viewers her way.
so uh, how about no for this hateful garbage.