Hopefully they stay safe
Just your age ol’ ex-Reddit lurker… who also likes nuggets :)
Hopefully they stay safe
I didn’t know Waze was owned by Google either. Since 2013 as well…
I like the idea to counteract the grogginess of the sleeping tablet, but I lack the knowledge to know if that would work.
I’m guessing it would have been digested by then, right?
I would love this so much right now…
This was my thought process as well.
I did consider whether making good art could help fund other global issues, but I think there’s too many variables. Whereas being able to make it rain would have an arguably more immediate impact.
Can we also control when to turn it off? xD
I’d recommend Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.
It fits fantastical, I think and it’s also listed as sci-fi, but not sure it is.
It’s the book I suggested to a mate of mine who wanted to get back into reading again. He loved it so much that he bought a 2nd proper copy with illustrations by Chris Riddell, my favourite illustrator.
A little late to this post, but I re-read those again during COVID. One of my favourite series :)
First I’ve hears of a series though…
I love this sort of art style