Sounds like a challenge.
Sounds like a challenge.
There was another account doing this with a slightly different name yesterday. Lemmy’s been pretty sheltered thus far, but it may be time for some automated spam detection…
It’s guns per eagle, get it right. What would eagles per gun even be?
Haven’t touched reddit socially in 8 months, but every now and then I’ll use it to search for opinions or instructions on things. Searched “reddit best domain registrar” recently and landed on a thread where top to bottom, every comment recommending a registrar was from a bot and/or banned account. No real person testimonials, all ads. And as AI implementations improve, that’s going to get harder to spot. In the meantime, I’m formatting searches like “best domain registrar lemmy” because reddit is legit that bad rn.
And what happens with the cat?
The full album Chronologic by Caravan Palace.
That’s not what they said. They were commenting that comparing payroll to revenue is like comparing apples and oranges. If you make an apples to apples comparison, like between payroll and profits, you can make a more defensible argument that income inequality is a problem which needs to be fixed.
I forgot the divide by 113 and now I have a huge house.
The video seems a bit misleading in this context. It looks fine for what it is, but I don’t think they have accomplished what OP is describing. They’ve cherrypicked some still shots, used AI to add to the top and bottom of individual frames, and then gave the shot a slight zoom to create the illusion of motion.
I don’t think the person who made the content was trying to be disingenuous, just pointing out that we’re still a long ways from convincingly filling in missing data like this for videos where the AI has to understand things like camera moves and object permanence. Still cool, though.
Or because it provided both hydration and calories to people doing manual labor, like field work. It was the Gatorade of the time.
Ah, I love the Vocally Communicating Thought Generators.
Can’t stand the line, “The dog days are over.” I have no right to hate it as much as I do.
In my experience, about five or six parking meters.
This one: