All the code I know is stackoverflow search results.
All the code I know is stackoverflow search results.
You have the most appropiate username.
It waa the first thing I thought of as well so there are at least 3 of us.
This is what I’ve learned the past year during my general acoustics course. Over 50 km/h EVs produce more sound.
In the Netherlands it’s pretty simple: if the cars have a red light bikes and/or pedestrians have a green light. Turning right on red would be insanely dangerous.
It’s a good thing we have roundabouts whenever possible.
Getting paid to pay attention.
If you routinely go to the same bar I would try to buy something occasionaly though. Just to support the venue.
Fans and their shipping powers know no bounds. Then the artists get involved and we all tremble with fear.
Thanks! This was the best explanation I got, I think.
Can a non-programmer get some explanation?
Teletext in the Netherlands has an app now. People still use it.
No worries, now it is insantly vintage.
Pokemon, League of Legnds and Path of Exile.
Those damn fertile red shirts. They never stop multiplying.
The last image doesn’t need text.
Beans stroganoff
Same here. I try to always leave a comment when I can. Especially when something has a decent score but no comments.
Who need nightvision anyway, just make sure you only fight during the day.
Well that is what new Reddit feels like to me.
Inagine going back hundreds of years to convince everybody in the world to use the same time. “No I know not everybody has a clock, but if you could consider sunrise midday that would make my job in the future much easier.”