onoira [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • seconding a focus on sexology; we don’t need another Institut für Sexualwissenschaft incident.

    off the top of my head:

    • The History of Sexuality (Michel Foucault 1976 – 84 + 2018)
    • Transgender Warriors (Leslie Feinberg 1998)
    • Gender Trouble (Judith Butler 1990)
    • Undoing Gender (Judith Butler 2004)
    • Caliban and the Witch (Silvia Federici 2004)
    • Black on Both Sides (C. Riley Snorton 2017)
    • The Stonewall Riots (Marc Stein 2019)

    including all the works of Judith Butler and Silvia Federici.

    more academically:

    • Kinsey Reports; The Kinsey Institute: The First Seventy Years; and any other expansions on the work of the Kinsey Institute
    • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Healthcare: A Clinical Guide to Preventive, Primary, and Specialist Care (Kristen Eckstrand, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld 2016)

    you can probably farm the bibilographies on these.

  • my guess is it was trying to get you to help one of its friends or something.

    that was my first guess, but it didn’t seem like it was leading me anywhere.

    i’m a little worried now.

    I’d have had a good search around the area befriending crows can actually bring you some benifit like shiny gifts

    when i was homeless, i shared my food with a crow. i got them to bring me coins by feeding them double portions when they brought monies.

    or in some cases crow bodyguards as they actually recognise individuals as friends etc.

    that’s my current relationship to the corvids in town. a long time ago i rescued a magpie from two seagulls, and since then all the corvids no longer fly away when i come near them. the magpies even defended me from a seagull one day!

    but they otherwise don’t approach me, and we don’t ‘communicate’.

  • that was my first guess, but after i tried getting back on the path they only kept putting grass on my feet. i tried holding still, backing away, moving toward them, moving back into the grass, making noises, and checked in the bush — it just kept putting grass on me. i didn’t immediately see anything. i was afraid of scaring or upsetting them, so i left.

    someone else suggested they’re a juvenile that doesn’t know how to feed themself.

  • Per the March All Hands discussion […]

    i guess from experience that this was neither ‘all hands’ nor a ‘dicussion’. it was 'whoever[‘s logged in before office hours| doesn’t want to enjoy their lunch] gets to look at boomer memes and dull graphs for 2 hours while listening to the latest round of edicts graciously handed down by the Board.’

    if you missed it, and you’re lucky, they recorded it. if you’re very lucky: you get an email with the slide deck and talking points for what could’ve just been an email to begin with.