The symbol you have there suggests that unemployed people don’t want any money.
I’m pretty sure that’s not the case though, unemployed people just don’t have any money, but they’d sure like the opportunity to earn some.
The symbol you have there suggests that unemployed people don’t want any money.
I’m pretty sure that’s not the case though, unemployed people just don’t have any money, but they’d sure like the opportunity to earn some.
The background color needs to be generic tan/brown cardboard color.
Humans are our own worst enemy.
Well, that, and as the other commenter said, mosquitoes.
Listings say Zigbee Bulb Smart Hub Required.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
Heard that!
I’m a united individual of one, can’t help where I was born…
Why do we call it united?
Last I checked the math books, 50 is Divided.
I’m not trying to log into anything nor am I trying to get anyone’s personal information. I mostly use the archive to make it a lot easier for legacy operating systems to access and download files and software and stuff.
You ever put Windows 3.11 or other legacy operating systems on the internet? Easier said than done, but http is basically the only way.
Who said I log into anything? I have terabytes of files archived, without any accounts anywhere, not even the archive. I’m not that stupid.
Anything on the archive can be accessed via simple http, regardless of whether the original site was https or not.
My own security? Hah, that’s a joke right?
Everything on the Internet Archive can be accessed via simple http, even if the original archived site was https.
I’ve been able to downgrade https sites to plain http sites, through a series of loopholes which I won’t go into.
Not really, not in our school district anyways. They did allow us to play the game based on that on their ancient computers, but never really gave us historical context, nor were we required to play the game.
I didn’t learn shit about it back then, and barely get it today. I’m 42 years old for reference.
Piper at the Gates of Dawn?
Hell, I’ve got 12 Pink Floyd albums archived, but I don’t have that one. Honestly I don’t think I’ve even heard of it before.
My favorite Pink Floyd album is The Division Bell. Strangely enough, not long after that became my favorite album, I actually found a pristine copy of it on CD in the ditch on a bicycle ride. No case, just the CD, but very luckily no scratches either.
You better bet your ass I ripped that album that evening, to raw uncompressed WAV audio. And yes, I stuck it somewhere on the Internet Archive…
Pink Floyd - Animals
I like everything else by Pink Floyd quite a bit, just not the album Animals.
Nope, I’ve seen at least 3 completely different designs, none of those compatible.
Don’t worry, I put you back on the shelf with a higher price tag.
Okay. Undercooked meat may yield bad parasitic worms. So what, what makes pork any different than any other meat in that regard?
Always cook meat thoroughly and that shouldn’t be a problem. Pork ain’t any different.
We’re gonna make you into a real horse chandelier then.