I’m not sure. But regardless, I’m thinking of an “Is it AI?” community or (sorry Lemmy users) subreddit, similar to r/whatisthisthing or r/amitheasshole. I don’t have the time and energy so hopefully someone takes my idea and puts them into fruition
Check out my blog: https://writ.ee/pavnilschanda/
I’m not sure. But regardless, I’m thinking of an “Is it AI?” community or (sorry Lemmy users) subreddit, similar to r/whatisthisthing or r/amitheasshole. I don’t have the time and energy so hopefully someone takes my idea and puts them into fruition
Collective human wisdom would be useful. Some humans will pick up nuances and details other humans may have missed. Sort of complementing each other, in a way.
Human intuition has much more capabilities than a computer program, so I believe community should be made in light of that
I’m a cusp Milennial-Gen Z but I identify more with Gen Z values in my country, possibly because I was introduced to computers and the internet at a young age, even in a developing country.
I don’t think any amount of money is enough. This is what happens when we live in a society that relies on material wealth as a source of validation instead of a means to fulfill our basic needs.
Try connecting with academics. Just met an artist who’s a professor at a university and even though I’m not of the same educational level as her, we had a very nice chat.
Reducing people from third world countries to “language models” as an attempt to critique AI aint it
As far as I know, Apple’s implementation of LLMs is completely opt-in
Head over to !aicompanions@lemmy.world and find out
I’m not allowed to learn to drive. Where I live, people drive like crazy and they follow some sort of “law of the jungle”. Having ADHD doesn’t help either.
This sounds like a very specific question and you should ask an India-specific lemmy community (and before you ask, I’m not Indian despite my username)
Usually a (competent) doctor knows you physically through examinations. It’s very personalized so I can see the justification
Vivaldi would agree with you there. Just listen to his Summer piece.
I live in a country with multiple problems right now, but I’ve grown to be aware that the more I actively look at negative commentary on the current situation (most are online given anonymity), the more I get into panic mode, which clouds my longterm thinking of trying to get into a better situation (whether it’s self-soothing, changing state policies by any measure, relocation, etc)
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I had to look it up and apparently it’s “mencurahkan garam ke laut” a.k.a. “bringing salt to the sea” (Indonesian)
It’s been trending since COVID
For what? In a literal, empirical sense, no, you can’t. But there could be underlying motives that can be addressed through alternative means
(East) Asians are the most accepted race aside from white people. Not that racism against them doesn’t exist, but it seems that white people naturally gravitate towards them compared to other races