From what I see Hexbear is pretty toxic and gets regularly defederated anyway.
From what I see Hexbear is pretty toxic and gets regularly defederated anyway.
No other way, if you’re banned.
Crate an account on a different instance? And oh yeah, stop being a dink?
My rule of thumb is this: if I perceive that the IP I want, was created by an individual who must have spent their blood sweat and tears creating it, I’ll pay for it to encourage that work. If, on the other hand I’m being made to pay extra for something just because there’s a queue of corporations that just want to profit for providing something made by others, I pirate it as a form of protest. As an example, I’ll gladly pay for an ebook being distributed through an author’s website even if I’m not sure I’m going to like it. But I will not pay for a cable subscription just to be able to watch sports programs. Another example: I’ve paid money for mobile games when I see a lot of effort being spent in making the gameplay engaging, but I will delete or try to cheat or pirate games that I perceive as pay-to-win.
Gimp,, VLC, Slackware, and on and on after that. Every flavor of Linux: RedHat, SuSe, Ubuntu, now on Manjaro and Endeavour.
Supposedly you will be able to use FB Lite app to chat. I got the same message, uninstalled Messenger Lite and verified that FB Lite app works for chatting.
I don’t know if there’s any gasoline car vs electric studies, but there’s been some research into, for example, carbon footprint of oil drilling vs lithium mining. Here’s one of the articles that has a bunch of sources sited:
Personally I use 24 hr time and YYYY-MM-DD date format almost exclusively, but here in the US you’ll get a bunch of people arguing and frothing at the mouth that MM-DD-YYYY is way superior because you say “March 16th 2025” instead of “2025 March 16th” and 24 hr clock is called “military time” because they are the ones using it. So, in short, it’ll take a lot of effort to change people’s habits.