I thought I was 43 for probably close to a year, and even told everyone that asked I was until I had to get my own health insurance and found out I was actually 44.
I thought I was 43 for probably close to a year, and even told everyone that asked I was until I had to get my own health insurance and found out I was actually 44.
You could burn so many .mp3 CDs with that thing!!!
I guess we had different experiences, these were relatively new areas where the neighborhood was developed after the map and it didn’t seem to be an issue. I suppose the satellite view probably confirmed it easily.
You can submit edits to Google Maps. I’ve done it on a handful of roads in our neighborhood and they were approved within a few weeks…
Such a fun game to play with a partner. It has a great story… My GF and I made it pretty far but she just doesn’t have the controller skills to manage a certain boss fight later game. I’m trying to get her to play other games to get some practice. I’d really like to finish it.
Just use sync, that was a ridiculous amount of text over an app that seems poorly optimized. I can’t even believe you typed all that to be honest.
Monkey Island 2
I’m pretty conscious of other people financial situations, but a 512GB SSD is 19.99 on amazon. That’s 1/3 the price of the game.
If you are a dude and getting a bit older, then the Panasonic Nose and Ear hair trimmer. It’s like 13$ on Amazon.
The fear mechanic in games like Diablo is really obnoxious to me. Having my character run halfway across the screen uncontrollably over and over during a fight is super fun!