Every day in standup
Every day in standup
Armed Bear in the same vein
C shell
You can make vegan milk at home and it’s way cheaper than cow’s milk. Oat milk is SUPER EASY: 1 cup oats/2 cups water, soak for 15 minutes, blend and strain. Others are similarly easy and there are plenty of recipes online.
My baseless opinion is that having a variety of instances with varying ethoses means that there’s a good home instance for everyone (not just the verysmart, young, white, male, liberal a la Reddit), and federation means that that variety of people are intersecting and interacting a lot more than if instances were completely separate. At the same time, it still feels like a small community, or maybe a bunch of small communities. There seems to be a lot less of the snarky clapbacks and unpopular opinions getting nuked that’s typical of other social media.
I’m picturing the two unicycle method illustrated in the style of Dr Seuss
It always grates on my nerves to read laypeople’s opinions of how software development should happen. So much unfettered stupidity.
Not trying to pile on, but if the water sits for more than say a week, bacterial growth can become an issue. There is a method for storing water up to 6 months, but it’s a bit of work.
After all his tryhard Sherlock Holmes escapades, I can absolutely see Data putting on the corniest Ebenezer Scrooge the Federation has ever seen.
In universe? Inaros. I don’t know if Kai Winn’s crimes ever gets the same widespread attention.
But in every other way Kai Winn is the worst. Fuck Kai Winn. All my homies hate Kai Winn.
I prefer SQL, because you can pronounce it “sequel” or “es-cue-ell”, and it’s fine. CSS just doesn’t have that kind of flexibility as a language.
I feel the same way except I’m already here.
One serving of peanut butter