I suppose this is related to your “users are inactive” point but I also feel like it’s more common on Reddit to have multiple/alt accounts. Hell, in my time on Reddit I think I made 7+ accounts.
I suppose this is related to your “users are inactive” point but I also feel like it’s more common on Reddit to have multiple/alt accounts. Hell, in my time on Reddit I think I made 7+ accounts.
My state doesn’t even mandate a yearly vehicle inspection.
These or something similar are perfect, as a lefty.
Edit: but for the love of god don’t pay that much. I think they’re like $5-7 in store.
Or your library, some even digitally so you can just get them on Libby and not have to drive to the library! Plus then you can screen cap your favorite recipes. 😁
You might be mildly allergic? Bananas as soon as they hit my stomach make me feel like I’m going to throw up.
Rainwater typically has a TDS of 20 mg/L or less. Fresh water from lakes, rivers, and groundwater is more variable, with TDS ranging from 20 mg/L to approximately 1,000 mg/L. Brackish water is, by definition, water with TDS exceeding 1,000 mg/L and ranging as high as that of seawater, at approximately 35,000 mg/L.
Wow, I watch a show about restoring historic homes in Galveston and many are from before 1900. I’m surprised so many are still standing after a hurricane like that!
Sorry, but absolutely the owners and cops could do as they wish. Would it come to it about trash issues? Probably not, if it was being managed correctly. But say you have some random store bought trash cans closer to the buildings. Now who takes those full cans to the dumpsters? It’s not going to stay managed well. Landlords can evict people very easily for not abiding by terms, which can be pretty lengthy. And people aren’t going to risk their home just to stick it to a landlord. They’re just going to drag their trash out to the dumpster. I really envy you and your country which seems to have a much better way of handling things, but the entire rental industry of the US is built around getting the most money while providing the least necessary for the people.
Because then if the landlord/management company didn’t like it they would refuse to renew your lease and then you’re out of home. It’s rare for tenants to have much of any rights in the US.
You can definitely forward from MSN to something else. I have my ooooold MSN email forwarded to my Gmail. I would take the time to make a whitelist in your MSN acct for all the actual real stuff and just have that forwarded.
I know we should not judge books by their covers but holy cow the one on the linked Wikipedia page is a travesty.
At the bottom it does say “…by hours played” indicating it’s in ranked order.
My dad has been playing it, and almost exclusively it, for years. From 360 to Xbox One to Xbox Series X. It’s literally the only game he even has for the X, he bought the machine just to play Skyrim. He was so excited to find mods. Idk how many thousands of hours he has in it.
Too bad we can’t adopt the Japanese “-san” honorific, as it is gender neutral!
I understand what you mean here, except on the difference between Ms and Miss, do you mean this more in terms of writing than speaking? I ask only because I don’t know that I’ve ever been able to hear a particular difference between Ms and Miss when spoken, but that may be more related to my hearing or something that I’ve not realized.
“Ms.” Is pronounced “mizzz” kinda like you’re a bee, “Miss” is pronounced “missss” like a snake.
I read both and enjoyed both, but definitely preferred Hardcastle. Though that could be because I read it in early 2021 with an unidentified case of Covid (false neg) and was kind of in a dream state of exhaustion which made the slightly trippy loop even more engaging. Lol
I believe OP is trying to save specific lines/parts of the text, not literally bookmark their place in the book. Similar to how on Kindle you can “highlight” passages and it’ll save a catalogue of all your snippet. OP has previously been typing up the parts they want to “highlight” from a physical book but recently discovered an app that lets you scan the page and just quickly copy the scanned text to save, but isn’t fond of the fee.
Not the person you asked, but in my experience some people say “please” even if they don’t mean it—ie they’re not actually politely asking you, but telling you to do so in a pseudo-polite manner. They expect you to do it regardless. Similarly, “automatic thank yous” they aren’t actually grateful, they feel you were obligated to do the task and just know “thank you” should be said so it’s an afterthought.
Imagine someone handing you a bag of garbage and saying “take this to the garage thanks” all in one breath and walking away.
Yeah I know of a few 7-elevens that are just the store, no gas, but would still be thought of as a “gas station”.