That’s a good point, masochists have a pretty big loophole to Golden Rule, don’t they?
That’s a good point, masochists have a pretty big loophole to Golden Rule, don’t they?
Well played!
Not all well water is untreated…
Well luckily for you, apparently it’s now acceptable to just blast your music out loud in public.
I wouldn’t even call it a luxury. Hasn’t been for years.
Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime
If only the inequality gap were this small…
Because we are taught by society to not poop at work.
LOL I must have been sick at home during that lesson…
I can confirm that gut biome is big… Back in my 20s, I seemingly wiped mine out halfway through a course of antibiotics, and it took years to get back to something somewhat normal.
Pros poop during the meal.
Thanks for being polite, I guess?
But I hope you understand that your comment means literally nothing to me.
PA’s DEP is a complete joke.
If the alternative is Trump or the current GOP, I will absolutely vote for him.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe we’ll have anything beyond controlled opposition moving forward in national elections. So I doubt it’ll ever come up.
Quick, remove the word “union” and maybe they’ll miss it (only kind of joking)
Were they pumping the kids full of amphetamines too?
Well yeah… That’s America for you
From OR onto?
I’m just imagining someone making a left from a one-way onto a two-way, and it seems like it would be a very bad idea in that situation?
Depends where you are, but I think a lot of times they’re happy just to get anything.
Yeah I’m sure minimum wage clerks are going to totally feel comfortable asking the armed person (someone who believes they need to arm themselves to enter a shopping center) to please leave.
Explain how!