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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • love the UPS and healthcare workers stuff…but…fast food? I’d like to see every fast food place go out of business. Celebrating a bit higher wages from mega-corp fast food places seems a bit…odd, considering fast food is a cancer on society. although i guess if paying the higher wages squeezes them more, i’m all for it. But seriously…who in their right mind even goes to fast food places these days? it’s basically setting fire to your own money and health.

  • really not true at all. businesses fail and if a large business fails, everyone loses. that’s why they get bailed out. labor costs at the big 3 are much higher than other automakers, and capitalism involves competition. if their labor costs are too high, they can’t compete, and other non-unionized automakers will over-take them. but its such a core part of our economy and national security, that they cannot be allowed to fail, so the government steps in. the unions know that, and they take advantage of it knowing they can get paid more because its a valuable industry. GM workers make much more money and have better benefits than virtually all other assembly line workers in the US in other industries, despite it being basically the same job requiring the same skills.

    why isn’t their a massive push to get other assembly line workers pay and benefits equal to those of auto? they get all the headlines, money, and support. why is that?

  • i like the sentiment, but im not sure the authors really understand the stock market or economics. the reason they do stock buybacks is part of an overall tightening strategy, to gain leverage, and be more able to respond to black swan market events. executive compensation is a drop in the bucket of the overall cash flow. there are very real risks involved in running huge auto businesses…although to be fair…the prospect that you’ll be bailed out by taxpayers makes all of that null.