A scrum master is a fancy project manager. But legally you have to call them scrum masters or else their arms fall off
A scrum master is a fancy project manager. But legally you have to call them scrum masters or else their arms fall off
Please someone introduce the idea of ‘real men shit standing’ or ‘I shit my ground standing’ to toxic masculine MAGA people and make it a thing. 🙏
If the idea of masculinity is getting challenged by sitting down to pee theres a whole shit ton of other more urgent problems mate 😹
Phone keyboard ate the 2… it’s a /32 block ipv6
We were offered a /32(?) for like 1000$/yr… sounds like a good deal tbh
We are going full v6 with SIIT-DC (rfc7755) with our next hardware refresh. Our mother site doesn’t but we don’t care what they do as that’s not our problem
It’s a totally valid point. Both waste your time and money to distract for a brief moment. You can use all the renewables you want but in the end the consumer is the product and the product needs you to keep consuming it to justify its existence. We need pyrotechnics to excercise ghost as much as we need another season of that marveldisneyfox show to survive. Or the steam summersale to make us think we are saving money by buying more games. Unsub, unfollow, smash the bellbutton and block shit more often.
Just say you signed an NDA and can talk about it in 20 years. Yes, that is dishonest in some sense and I hate it, but then again you owe these companies nothing and they are not family.
At this point OP has already signed a new contract though. Also I’d make up a ridiculous number to sow doubt among the asshats.
But yeah the ‘you could have offered me a raise before to avoid all this’ is a good point.
“New job pays X euros more” and make up random number. That’ll shut em up
I have been telling my wife for years how great vim is and now she finally agrees. I’m not joking.
Yes, but it works and has support on most devices. I don’t need tons of opensource, I need one that works and that normal people can use.
Plexamp is free. No need for plex pass. Try it and decide if you like it. Personally I think it’s great for me. Sorting and finding stuff is kinda wonky sometimes.
It‘s one of those shitposts that tries to deflect the reason to something else again. It’s like they are testing which shitposts attracts the most views.
Remember when foreign students were the culprit? Or when it was plastic straws?
If the article states it as a question the answer is: no you shitpost
You know how many multi family dwellings can fit on the land required than a single family home? A lot. You know what’s the reason for housing shortage? Single family homes
It’s shocking that a country like France would ban smoking! C’est incredible!