I was a big Uncle Bob fan and still really like the Clean Code book. But he trashed his public reputation so I doubt this 2nd edition will do very well.
I was a big Uncle Bob fan and still really like the Clean Code book. But he trashed his public reputation so I doubt this 2nd edition will do very well.
Invisible War
I own it. I played it. I can’t even remember if I finished it. The rest I’ve played through multiple times.
Play what you enjoy. The old games can look better because you skip through to the best ones over the last 50+ years. Many were buggy, had terrible controls or were just boring. You’re probably not wasting your time on those.
Like how several Genes were renamed because of excel https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/6/21355674/human-genes-rename-microsoft-excel-misreading-dates
What’s with these hours long youtube essays? Surely some editing would be beneficial? And, in this case, publish the chapters separately.
All I see is: Pay $12 or Pay $12
What if the output is encrypted? Or 34d matrix.
What if the test was testing timing. Or threading. Or error handing?
The best ones show a port scan. The worst just show scrolling html source code.
ssh still doesn’t work. I’m out of ideas!
Just chuck more data at it and hope for the best! It’s a pretty fun strategy even if it fails a lot
Click bait title is
Off topic: I didn’t realise how intense Eurogamer has gotten with ads. Could barely read the article on my phone. 😡
Slow news day. Plus we know from the Switch launch they don’t feel compelled to have a lot of games ready. It was breath of the wild, your typical launch party game and … nothing memorable.
Why do I feel this is just a dumb marketing attempt?
A good summary. Maybe enterprise any framework? SAFe, Spotify or whatever the agency has trademarked
The early days of scrum was very anti management. Self organising teams have no need for managers. But they soften all that and it took off
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I used to work with a dflowers@company and told him it was the best email address. He didn’t get the joke. 😥
But then there was also a guy called Richard Face…
It’s always the AI. We all know they’re pushing the AI button before even reading the rest of the label!