Ah, yes, a copy of my crush would have been really nice! 😉
Ah, yes, a copy of my crush would have been really nice! 😉
You are being practical. I would say the fair amount of RAM in usage achieving all those tasks is 512MB. Just checked my Gentoo box with XFCE and Bluetooth & PulseAudio crap running, no tuning, merely 700MB of RAM in use.
That flashing colon between hour and minute is rendered server-side! What a masterpiece!
Let me guess. Are the Java and Python programmers happy after because they leave up their technical debt for someone else to resolve? 🤭
I know, right? The pronoun for third-person female did not exist historically. When western culture hit China 100 years ago, they swap out the part where it means ‘human’ to make a new word.
Now when someone wants to refer to one in a gender-neutral way, they naturally write out the phonetic ‘ta’, as if the gender-neutral word is for male only.🤦
Same goes for second-person pronoun in Taiwan.
Stop these bullshits! The Chinese language does not need to address the gender! Figure that out in context! If you are writing and don’t want to confuse your reader, just use the name!
Inventing Java.
I don’t think there’s a reason, which I think is the saddest reason. Growing up and drifting apart. Tried many times to fire up conversations but don’t know where to start.
For the whole paragraph the pronoun in use is 'them ’ except for the end, it is ‘she’. Can I assume her sex is female and her gender is something different?
Also you sound like a caring and persistent person. It is valuable to have a friend like this.
I support you on the cynic side. But in case this post is authentic, I hope OP struggles through all difficulties in her life with modern technology like spell-checkers.
Good luck, OP.
You want a dic pic now? You know, try to make it up to you?🤔
Your boss became your girlfriend, now wife?
Some religion believes that a soul can reincarnate into non-human anmals such as pigs. Or even inaminate objects. If a soul gets whipped in hell it can vanish.
So at least we now solved the underpopulation problem.
And do you know that some non-human animals can upgrade to humans or even gods if they consume holy food/drinks, or ‘charged’ by holy relics such as sacred stones?🤭 Yeah, that creates new souls!
When knowing a rejection is destined, I would rather disappear and see the crush be with someone else. A hope which has been shot down is a scar for life, whereas an attempt never made painfully warms my heart forever.
Waifu games. That I like.
Never have I had more than one sex partner.
Never have I had sex with more than one person, simultaneously.
Have you heard of vacuum decay?
I know, right? They barely make consumer grade products that last nowadays.
Where can I claim the money that is equal to the number of upvotes of my comments?
I usually run emerge firefox
then have sex.
If you are armed you are supposed to pull your piece out and shoot them in the face. Their driving behaviour poses a life-threatening danger to you. You are self-defensing.
IANAL, though, but I really wish what I said is true.