This just keeps getting better and better.
This just keeps getting better and better.
All of Europe will eat baguette and croissant
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Unfortunately, they missed the techbro arseholes in California who not only did vote for him, but have lined up to supplicate themselves before him.
It’s a Lorem Ipsum.
King of England, beware!
Do you hear that? It sounds like the squeak of tank tracks, circa 1968 in Prague. Or maybe 1956 in Budapest.
The T-90 of air defence systems.
I think the PRC lacks something in the soft power stakes; they’ve created some degree of good will outside the West, but they suck at projecting cultural output that doesn’t stem from the imperial Chinese era.
You hang it out the side of the plane when you want to get out and taunt your enemy face-to-face. Well, face-to-face with a separation of a few miles, that is.
I’m guessing there is also some schadenfreude, at least among some people, at seeing a European country getting colonised by a semi-Asian one.
All this tells me is that Indians’ objection to colonisation is that they weren’t the ones doing it.
It absolutely is our war; do you think Russia will stop with Ukraine? Do you think it sets a good precedent to once again allow states to annex territories that aren’t legally theirs with impunity?
It is a moral imperative to ensure that Russia can no longer engage an offensive war within our lifetimes.
F-35 was more the high-profile failure. The F-22 was just produced in lower numbers than planned because there was no perceived need for a specialised air superiority fighter in the expected numbers after the Soviet collapse.
It’s still something I’d rather have than not; not having it makes for a less fluid experience.
James Bond vs. George Smiley
I, for one, consider it a good thing that more of us don’t take advice from people with fetishes for cholera and pigshit.
AfD is prime “Do it again, Bomber Harris” material.
Even worse: Shilling for the NFTs of a used game store.
I’ve heard that a Tiger II took more manhours to complete than an American heavy bomber.
It raises the question of why you’re here, then.