Seriously! On the platform of a traitorous piece of shit half responsible for this mess…
Seriously! On the platform of a traitorous piece of shit half responsible for this mess…
yeah… like “a house” vs. “an honor” It’s easy: the +n is a binding sound to avoid a hard stop between two words when the first ends in a vowel and the second begins with one. A hard stop only applies to spoken language, so the +n should be applied where the spoken next sound is a vowel.
For example: “A “large hadron collider”-like setup”, vs. “An LHC-like setup”
Goddamnit that motherfucker is cringe. And stupid…
Personally, I don’t care anymore because the DSA has turned full fascist, The only thing I care about is them not starting any more wars and for the decent people over there to somehow hopefully eventually win their country back from the MAGA maggots.
Los Angeles County has a population of approximately 9.66 million residents, making it the most populous county in the United States.
yawn No one cares. Especially Europe no longer cares about news from the divided states of southern northern america.
Based Slovenia.
The laws are designed to allow murdering the poor. That doesn’t make it “not murder”. When you deny live-saving treatment out of profit considerations, that is both premeditated and killing out of greed. There’s two murder criteria right there.
If the laws are designed for the elite, it is very stupid to argue morality based on what’s “lawful” and what is illegal.
I guess I should have clarified in my original comment that I was exaggerating - obviously, C++ doesn’t get as bad as python, not even into the same ballpark.
My emphasis was on “don’t use C++ like you would python” because that’s not good advice imo.
Not quite, but smart pointers in the wrong location can be quite wasteful in terms of CPU cycles.
So, basically, use it like you would use Python.
That’s a great way to get performance as shitty as python’s.
I was thinking “basically every country in this world” - because capitalism is so depressingly successful that even China is ruled by rich elites and only “communist” on paper that isn’t worth wiping your arse with…
just the Germans? :)
For the purpose of protecting important data, the distinction really doesn’t matter. And the good old xkcd comic has a point - for many people, all relevant data is in the user’s accessible storage area anyways. Hence me running almost all internet applications and steam in a jail.
Okay, fair point, let me rephrase: if someone knows what kernel (admin) level execution means, and installs a game that requires this on a computer where they keep important data, they are a dumbass mtherfcker :) Generally speaking though: most people shouldn’t be allowed to use technology - humans are unbelievably stupid for the most part.
we just need one pvp game with kernel level anti cheat
Leaving aside that security patches should be done, if you install that kind of game on a system where you have any data worth protecting, you’re a dumb ass mtherfcker. Sorry, but seriously, that’s just how it is.
and spd. Not the party base, but their whole leadership (seeheimer kreis) is a bunch of elitist pieces of shit.
While security has nothing to do with my disgust for docker and people advocating its use, docker adds a layer of complexity, which means it is not necessarily more secure.
What is extremely bad about docker:
In general, if you can’t write a good user manual, or at least clearly identify needed dependencies and configurations, you should not be developing software for other people.
it combines the disadvantages of a VM (shitty performance) and running directly on the host OS (sandboxing is not nearly as good as on a VM)
it creates insane bloat, by completely bypassing the concept of shared libraries and making people download copies of software they already have on their system
it adds a lot of security risks because the user would have to not only review the source code they are compiling and installing, but also would have to scan all the dependencies and what-not, and would basically have to trust the developer and/or anyone distributing an image that they did not add any malware.
I have no mistress, and I know no misters.
you lost me at “docker”. The only people using docker are morons and those that trust software by morons.
Unfortunately that is how it is. I wasn’t directing my comment to Zelenskyy though but to everyone else, especially those reading here.