Nearly $3 billion USD flowed through the TRUMP cryptocoin
But wait, there’s more. Us taxpayer money will now be used to “invest” in these crypto scams.
Nearly $3 billion USD flowed through the TRUMP cryptocoin
But wait, there’s more. Us taxpayer money will now be used to “invest” in these crypto scams.
Perhaps a better question is, “What are you doing to help?”.
Supporting a national strike, canceling Amazon, leaving FB, might be a good start. Contacting you representative who doesn’t represent you seems to be futile. Maybe flash protests?
Probably the oligarchs. They have been trying to install fascist dictatorships for a very long time.
Mostly sales and the self projection of being "cool.
Even Temu has tons of them.
The culture of incompetence, crime, failure, and collapse will become normalized? Not on my turf.
You are being way too optimistic. A lot of people will needlessly die, not only from violence but also disease, starvation, suicide and natural disasters.
He is the king idiot criminal leading a pack of losers.
People will be in danger either way with the violence prone goons in power. If you are armed, there will be justification to shoot you. Protest at more public and friendly places. That way you will likely have allies nearby. Also, folks need to be situationally aware and plan an escape path if things turn too dangerous.
We need a general strike that doesn’t end until the government capitulates to the needs of the people
Many cannot afford to strike but that is the way the system was set however we only need 10% participation to send a powerful message - any more is icing on the cake. Those who cannot fully can participate by cutting back 10% or more. Everyone should be able to cut back to some extent. Yet, expect the corporate controlled MSM to NOT report on the effects or participation of a general strike. Look for your news on independent sites, some reliable foreign sources and the Fediverse only.
weird there aren’t more Mario bros around in the US.
Give it a little more time. When the militia folks realize that they have been had they won’t be happy.
All corporate news has been moved to the right, even NPR. For all practical purposes, local news has been eliminated. Local news formed the basis for trust and truth. Getting you news at a local ground level creates trust - you may know the reporter or you kids go to school with his kids.
There is nothing wrong with news bias if you have sources that you can trust to report the truth and not omit critical information.
That said, seek out and listen to people like Timothy Snyder, who have important messages. Here’s a clip of him talking about how the internet has changed and corrupted our news and views.
I like listening to Belle of the Ranch, because she succinctly explains important topics that the MSM does not - note she does present views from a more leftist angle.
Steve Shives is a Youtuber does not report the news but offers opinion that might inspire you to do further research.
Finding good reliable news sources takes work, while junk news is cheap, readily available and detrimental to you.
Tired of 14 YO “experts” and trolls.
Learn stuff, don’t eat processed foods and get exercise - gardening and foraging are good places to start for most people. Stay far away from negative, manipulative and lying people.
Then again, journalists are mostly fair game.
Say it again, a country that invades another sovereign country has ALREADY crossed a big red line.
Stay tune. We are headed that way.
Love will conquer all the hatred
Not only that, but the hatred on the right will consume them. Sit back, lay low, don’t participate and let the fools burn themselves. Opposition will only give them targets to blame for their failures.
So, a one way ticket?
There is a good reason for this. Money to win elections comes from CONSERVATIVE corporations and populism isn’t on their wish list.