This is why I ride an ebike to work. Substitute cash for risk of death
This is why I ride an ebike to work. Substitute cash for risk of death
Everyone at my work is complaining about the commute with RTO. I have a 15 minute bike ride to work on a secluded trail, I dont care
Yea I’m less into the competitive aspect more into the community. People who race just really love riding their bikes. I like office park crits more than anything just because it has a grassroots feel, and you’re always racing the same people so it’s really just an excuse to get together. I’ll average 14-16 on commutes nowdays because I’m not on an aggressive bike and don’t have my aero kit on and stuff, so don’t feel like you’re doing bad. I don’t like going over like 35, it’s scary… 45 is pretty insane
Same! It eventually led to racing, which has opened up a fun new world I didn’t know existed.
Before covid I remember thinking averaging 20mph on my 10 mile commute was impossible, i was struggling to hit 19. A couple weeks ago I averaged over 21mph for 100 miles.
Shared wood/metal project places are awesome. There’s someone who maintains everything, and you get much better equipment. It’s not terribly expensive (cheaper than owning it all yourself), and can be local if density provides it. Look at places like The Crucible in Oakland (which is more tailored to art) or local trade schools will open their doors
Tetris Effect is great, really immersive in VR
They can sleep in your bed, and you can feed them like a bird / Alicia Silverstone
That’s not like the bay area at all. San Francisco, yes 100%. But not the whole bay area.
Venture out. You will be really, really bored. But it will be different than that.
Wow I’ve been in tech a long time, but only knew it from Macromedia. Crazy
I owe a debt of gratitude to Gene and the entire crew. I was doubting my religion, and felt like I was losing my moral compass in the process. I was asking myself what type of person I wanted to be. The values that TNG showed me helped me in the 10 years since — being open to other cultures and their beliefs (Half a Life), to hold truth above others, and nothing can break that (Chain of Command), and to live my life more open, honestly, and fully (Inner Light)