It’s fun to start with a small user base. The downtime is rough, and I have some minor issues with it like the fact that deleting a comment hides all of the replies to that comment. Overal, though, it’s kew.
Is that a setting somewhere? Because that is not how it behaves on my end. Deleting a comment hides all replies.
No, I don’t want to delete others comments. I want others’ comments to not be deleted when the original commentor deletes the original comment that starts a comment thread.
This is what I want. How can I get this?
This was the reason for this post. It has happened to me quite a few times already. When I take a bunch of time to make a well-thought-out reply and link a bunch of references in a discussion, I don’t want all that effort to effectively disappear when the original commentor just decides they are embarrassed or don’t want to continue and just nukes the thread.
Edit: typos
Crimson writing utensils with political double entrendre potential were seen on wooden furniture.
Souls don’t exist.
Good effort, bot.
Obviously biased, but c/breadtube for is my go to for left video content and discussion.
Doesn’t CRPG stand for classic roleplaying game?
I like the cut of your jib.
Bahaha, what a scummy tactic. I suppose if you cast a wide net, you’re bound to catch some fish though.
Checking my communities.