“Sustainably sourced” doesn’t always mean “environmentally sustainable”. Unfortunately a lot of bioplastic still isn’t biodegradable and will leave us with the same waste issue as regular plastic.
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590332220303055
Video explainer: https://youtu.be/-_eGOyAiNIQ
The Sun, The Moon, The Star - Æther Realm
A ~20 minute metal masterpiece telling the story of someone leaving home in search of purpose and only upon leaving realizes the beauty of what he had before.
Melodically beautiful and I cry every time I hear it!
As long as you’re not forceful about it and can take a hint, everyone could use a couple extra hugs in life in my experience.
Oh interesting. I like this idea way more than AVs being the entirety of the trip.
Seems to work out for them so I don’t see why not!
Also then you can eat the rich 5 days ago.
Hmmmm, that’s a good question. If they’re wearing a tin foil hat they may be immune to your time anomaly shenanigans so I would be careful about that.
Also, maybe don’t tell them you just won the Powerball.
Nah nah, their rules are explicit and their pockets are full. They can, after all, also time travel.
Time travel is a one time offer
I mean sure, that’s fair and I’m not saying you shouldn’t, I’m just asking if you’re against it in general for other people
At the latest it’s from 1975 (the elevator is from '73 I think). Concrete walls would be my guess but I’m not 100% sure.
But does that oppose you to them in general? Most people don’t need a workshop.
And I live in a cheap one where you can’t. It’s not impossible.
This is such a dumb comment. Have you ever lived in good high density housing?
I’d choose a nice apartment over a nice house too. My dream is a nice two story apartment with big windows for lots of light and an open plan living space.
I don’t have any of the problems mentioned by the first commenter and I live in a relatively cheap apartment. I don’t even hear the people in the other room in my own apartment if I have doors and windows closed. That’s better than some houses I’ve been to and lived in.
The problem must be the parking spots!
That’s only an unfun fact if you make it one.
Fan for browsing Lemmy for a bit after doing the deed.
A classic case of having their cake (the marketing benefits of offering unlimited storage) and eating it too (not wanting anyone to use any storage)