They won’t as long as he doesn’t take off his helmet.
They won’t as long as he doesn’t take off his helmet.
Would have been great if the student said “yes but it will increase another fundamental joy, one that lasts longer than the breastfeeding stage of infants”
History teacher told us that NASA found alien machines on the dark side of the moon.
Midway through his speech he fell asleep in his seated walker, woke up shortly after and then the been rang.
He was neither physically nor mentally fit to be a teacher.
I’ve decided go big or go home.
I saw an OLED in person at my local big-box retailer, the LG 39GS95QE. A 39in ultrawide. The pixel density is pretty close to that of my existing LED monitors. I never was a fan of the curve until I saw it on an ultrawide; it only seems to make sense to me on an ultrawide.
They have it in 45in but that would be too big for my space, too big for my arm mount, and would reduce the PPI to something around 85? All those drawbacks don’t seem to be worth it for me as I do use my monitor for productivity more than gaming.
So that’s where I’m leaning now.
NOWHERE in the product description did it say it was an LCD. If you go to their product website and search “LCD” you get nothing. (If you search LED you also get nothing). They intentionally hid that information: https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/monitors/gaming/32-odyssey-g50d-qhd-fast-ips-180hz-1ms-displayhdr-400-gaming-monitor-ls32dg502enxza/
Even on amazon if you search “LED” you get a question and answer: *Q: How is this compared to led ? between love the ad very impressive from samsung A: Hello and thansk for the question Yes this monitor uses LED’s If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at 1-800-SAMSUNG or via live chat on our website (www.samsung.com/ca/support). By C.C. Samsung Canada in Canada on March 11, 2021 *
The reason that it looks weird next to my LED monitors is because it’s an LCD.
And I’m just out of the return window. I’m so upset.
EDIT: Return window was extended because it was bought in December and the holidays are a thing. It’s GOING BACK!
So I have a 3-monitor setup, all 1440p with the 32" in the center and 27" on the sides. I’ve tried scaling for the 32" monitor, but windows “pop” to scale when moving them from screen to screen. It’s really great that I can configure each display to scale independently, but the pop is… peculiar.
If my center were a 4K screen then maybe scaling would help? According the the PPI calculator my 27" screens are 108.79 PPI and a 34" 4K would be 137.68 PPI. Roughly 110 and 140, pretty distant from being doubles of each other.
That being said, I did find some scaling options that made my 27" screens much more comfortable on my eyes, so if I increase the scale a little more a 4K might work out.
Since posting I’ve grown more comfortable with the larger screen, still not fully decided on it though. I wish there were more stores where you could just WALK IN and LOOK at monitors. The big-box stores around me all have laptops, chromebooks… groceries…
100% this
All three are wall-mounted, and the new screen will be the center. But even if they all were self-standing monitors it would be pretty impractical to change my monitor configuration after ending work for the day.
Are OLEDs better now in terms of longevity? I don’t want to pay 3 or 4x the amount for a screen that’ll die in 5 years because I use it everyday.
I also hear a lot about burn-in and software to jitter pixels and whatnot.
Reading the comments here, seems like Samsung was a bad choice.
Exactly. I can scale individual programs but not everything scales nicely. I can scale the UI in system settings, but things will look funny unless it’s in even increments.
1440p makes everything small on a 27in. If I did a 4k on a 32in everything would be even smaller.
I’ll keep this in mind if I replace. What brand do you recommend? Acer? Asus?
Sitting 16-24 inches away from the monitor text/the UI is just a tad smaller than is comfortable on my eyes. I could scale the UI of everything or just get a bigger monitor. Not everything scales nicely.
Once you get into monitors over 27 inches they start jumping to 4k, which would make everything even smaller. My understanding is you want to your monitor to display at it’s recommended resolution, so I decided to keep 1440p and just get a bigger screen.
I could jump to OLED for… 3-4 times the price, but in my research it seems that OLEDs have about a 5 year lifespan if used 8hrs a day. I use my PC for work and play and 5 years seems really short when it has that much of an upcharge over LED. I tend to keep my monitors for 10 or so years in multi-monitor setups (older ones become side screens)
All that being said, while I don’t like how visible the pixels on my screen are now, I do appreciate how much bigger the display is. The bigger display is great.
Thank you so much! Now I can measure and see exactly what I’m looking for! I can watch the little videos and see what I’m looking for in them. (This also makes it seem like saying you have a viewing angle of 178 is a complete lie)
The ASUS monitor has a 32in variant but unfortunately it’s not on Rtings. It’s apparently a VA panel and not an IPS, so not sure how it would look next to the others.
I’ll see if I can find a monitor that checks all my boxes that I can cross-reference with Rtings. I’ll also be testing out amazon’s return policy on opened monitors. Glad I kept the box intact.
Oh neat, I didn’t know GitS had a game. PSP is a weird console though.
For me personally, any game in the Super Smash Bros series.
They’ve always been a go-to when hanging out with friends, in their time.
Melee still has a following. Nobody likes brawl because of tripping (among other things i’m sure), but I learned how to mod brawl and added so many custom stages and character skins. Sm4sh was ok, and Ultimate is so complete.
Yeah it’s Nintendo and “it’s always moral to pirate Nintendo games” and there’s plenty to complain about their online services but I’ve played smash so much that every time a new game comes out immediately a must-buy.
Great game! (Also happy cake day)
What are your favorite games to play?
I used to love president as a kid, now I play it a lot in clubhouse games on the switch. I know a few friends who play spades.
Historically, no.
When yuzu went down Emudeck was very specific that they will not remove any emulators that you have already installed.
Not for me. I… Don’t have leaks? I know where my water shutoff is if I need it.
I like owning.