Always an impressive operation they have one peering point in San Francisco and their data centers historically consist of a church and shipping containers.
Always an impressive operation they have one peering point in San Francisco and their data centers historically consist of a church and shipping containers.
You pretty much either put so much heat into urea that it turns to ammonia and melts your plastic while doing so or you wait for some bacteria to eat it and turn it into ammonia. It technically starts vaporizing at above 130 C.
It needed breaking anyway. Let’s make some rainbows.
It makes sense. Coal in English is a word that originally meant a burning ember and likely related to charcoal that we then changed to exclusively mean rock coal. Since it didn’t happen until the 1300s and we were producing charcoal long before that.
If anything charcoal is redundant. It’s a word with an origin like “burned burned” (though char comes from change, not burn)
I wouldn’t grill with anything but anthracite and even then, I don’t know that I would. You guys actually use coal from the ground at bbqs? We mostly use charcoal which is pyrolysed wood
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It really depends on what you’re talking about. If it’s dedicated counter staff no. If it’s waitstaff that is on waitstaff wages(as in a waitress went to get your food), maybe. The former should actually be having a competitive wage to employ them. The later were hired on with the expectation that they work for tips. Counter staff getting tips that they don’t even share with back of the house is kind of dumb.
Kaiju start with the Navy as they rise from the ocean, and then step on the army and breathe lightning on the air force. Their opposition is the national science foundation and the department of energy (who is also who generally wakes them up with some sort of nuclear accident).
Ace King suited is fun to yolo with.
Going to add to this, the confusion comes from people saying something is a tax wire off as being a good thing. That confusion comes from the fact that a tax write off is essentially a “discount” compared to paying for something out of your own pocket post tax. You’re essentially buying it for whatever percent cheaper you tax rate is. This is good if it’s something that you gain value from, but bad if it’s something like a wasted investment (though that gets complicated when you start actually assigning percentages to an investment’s potential return as you hedge it, that’s so far outside of my wheelhouse that it might as well be on the moon).
If that’s the case you can always try buccal administration. Looks like that uses a spray.
I edited my comment about strip clubs right when you posted this. There’s a legal gray area in my opinion by using it for tipping. If you’ve already received the service, you really can’t be committing fraud. Essentially, the producers can easily say the thing is not meant to commit fraud because it’s obviously not real money. But if you personally passed it off as money anyway and received something for it, you’d get nailed.
There is absolutely an intent to defraud aspect, and it’s clear the intent here is to pass of the money as real even if it’s monopoly money. This is particularly true in strip clubs where you’re getting a “service” based on your donations.
It is immoral because its a lie (if we’re going off of some definitions of morality), its unethical, because its a lie that is quite cruel and provides zero benefit, and it’s illegal because it’s fraud. So yes.
Hey, we need a robust serial connection to our cartridges for checking ink levels. Nothing more basic would do. /s
No kidding. “We’ve allowed our cartridges to arbitrarily execute code. It’s the user’s fault.”
For a 40 year old, I have a come to jesus moment. I say you need this for your a. fib, or whatever, or you’re gonna throw a clot and have a stroke. If you don’t want to take it, that’s fine, but that’s a choice you’re gonna be making. I tell them that we administer medications at set times to maintain effective prophylaxis. I’ll jot a quick note, and if I have the time call the whoever ordered it and inform them of the refusal. If they want to place an ORDER for me to leave medication by the bedside, I will. But that’s what it would take for me not write a refusal to take medication on the time it’s ordered as anything but a refusal.
We’re on the same page. That’s what I meant about a patient refusing to take it “right now.” That’s a refusal and you just document it in the notes and try again after you round on everybody else.
That said, the floor and the ED act a bit different when we’re talking about scheduled medications. Things can be a bit more flexible on the floor.
Oh, it happens plenty. Let’s just say the nursing home nurses have it down to a science to speed folks up with all the patients they’re administering medication to. Usually part of our report to other nurses on shift change, and what strategies we’re using. Some folks want to talk, some folks are trying to exercise the very little control they have in a situation where their life has completely spiraled out.
Do not go to your unit manager with this shit. Take report, give care, give report, leave. Otherwise acknowledge and move on. Every nurse thinks they’re the best nurse. It’s just how it is.
If you don’t want to talk to someone, just tell them you forgot to chart something and then ignore them. They’ll get the hint.
This is a profession that, for better or worse, attracts type A personalities.
Edit: and most charge nurses would not intervene in this either.