I didn’t see Dolly on this list.
I didn’t see Dolly on this list.
Wish this would work, it wouldn’t. When your company is 95% on the opposite side of your views, you just become the crazy person. The whispers begin, then the group jabs, then the outcast etc etc. You know you’re the sane one, but that’s not how the majority thinks of you.
I thought those crosses or flowers on the side of the road were where they buried the person who died in an accident.
It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out and how long it goes on for. I feel like every other shooting, even school shootings these days get the “thoughts and prayers” treatment. Then it’s onto the next news at six and who won last night’s game.
While we’re speaking of moons, can we rename the moo? I can see it from America, so technically it’s ours to name.
Edit: I suppose we can rename Mom too.