tools for my docker host with most services running on it truenas for my truenas host p01-p03 for my VPSs gpu-linux for my AI art and LLM machine
desktops and laptops are all misc strings that windows or Linux comes up with at install time
tools for my docker host with most services running on it truenas for my truenas host p01-p03 for my VPSs gpu-linux for my AI art and LLM machine
desktops and laptops are all misc strings that windows or Linux comes up with at install time
Both points are bad. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. The Internet was created to be run by millions of servers and works best that way. Funneling everything through one company is just a bad idea in general.
22.04 still isn’t FIPS validated yet, so if you need FIPS with Ubuntu pro, the most recent LTS distro you can get is 20.04. That’s why 20.04 is still popular.
The new Twitter company could issue a C&D to the old Twitter because they’re not actively using the trademark. I don’t see why a new company couldn’t call themselves twitter if they’re willing to go through the court system to take it away.
I’ve got the 10" kindle that I resurrected a year ago with a new battery and jailbroken & several 6" kindles (one jailbroken) but I recently got a cheap chinese e-ink Android device (Xiaomi Inkpalm 5) and I like it a lot better than anything else that I’ve had before. My primary use case is RSS/news reading, not books. I side-loaded the Feedly Classic APK onto it and except for the “smooth scroll” feature of it (which takes several screen refreshes instead of just one - and subsequently uses up like 3-4 times more battery just because of the smooth scroll feature), it’s really almost the perfect device. I’d love to find a larger e-ink Android device and figure out somehow to get rid of the smooth-scroll feature of the Feedly Classic app. If I could do that, it’d be the perfect device. :)
I just opened my protonmail account for the first time in years and it’s really nice! Lots of great UI stuff now!
I never use mine…
Not free for all os’s though.