I got school as first recommendation :')
I got school as first recommendation :')
That’s a good thing for me. There’s an actual end to the scrolling and since there are less people, the engagement rate is way way better than reddit. While there is still some drama cough ^vegan ^cats cough, it’s still a better place in my experience. Although I miss the niche communities, but even the niche communities on reddit has pretty much imploded because of the monetization making the mods implementing some strange policies that neuters what made the subreddit great like trustull or formuladank.
And I’ve also read somewhere that pediatricians who says it can also destroy you mentally when seeing parents who doesn’t really care about their children wellbeing.
I guess it tracks with not wanting to deal with shitty parents.
No, they give you the option to cap the charge percentage at 80% but you’ll need to buy iPhone 15 to get it 🙃
Yea, but the recent plans like monetizing some of the subreddits already broke several of the communities that I still like to lurk on reddit like r/formuladank and r/trustull where the mods clamped down on the unhinged people that made the subreddit in order to make the sub more advertiser friendly.
T9 gang where your hands at
I mostly use Firefox, so I develop on Firefox and check other browsers for issues. That way, I can make sure the app and websites I’m working on still work on Firefox.
I actually started at my current company when there were only 12 employees total. Now we’re 100+ employees. I witnessed the shift from a small company to medium sized.
When I started, the CEO was very present in day to day operations in the company. We hold a weekly meeting and everyone gets to share their updates and the CEO is involved in the day-to-day operations in the projects.
I lucked out having an excellent CEO so my experience is great when we’re at the small company stage. However since we’ve scaled up to be more than 100 employees there’s already middle management and what we did needs to be filtered thru the middle management.
Unfortunately the middle management layer is not as great as the CEO. So I’ve been contemplating moving to another company but the pay is good and I work remotely, but I’ve been looking around to see if there’s better options.
If your work is bleeding edge enough, even ChatGPT won’t be of help since it’s not in their training dataset.
Ohh I had a similar experience with a quite big open source project (~10k stars on GitHub). Posted an issue, it’s obscure enough even the lead maintainer comes in to help and still got stuck unable to fix the issue.
Ahh, Elite: Dangerous. My pandemic times game. Played that shit almost religiously until Odyssey came out and tanked performance and burned me out of the game. Did manage to go into Sag A* before I stopped playing.
If you’re competent, a SM is invaluable, however it’s one of the easiest to replace role. As an example, almost all of the engineers in my division has a PSM I certification. So all the SM do is just facilitate meetings. When we started we have around 5 SMs but currently only have 1 because all of the SMs are redundant since the team already know how scrum works.
I think it’s better to use the last ten years
to indicate the period. People interpreting it as the 2010-2020 period is a reasonable assumption.
They’re also not a superpower anymore as evidenced by their 3-day special operation entering its 2nd year. Nowadays they’re just ex-USSR state with nukes.
Facebook is bad but TikTok is bad^bad. I use neither, Soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For real tho, when me and my partner decided to delete our social media our mental health and relationship improved immensely. It even improved our social lives too, if I wanted to know how someone is doing I’ll just shoot em a text or call em and catch up or setup an outing together.
It’s bad if you don’t have a design system. If you have a design system it’s :chef’s kiss:
Story of humanity.
TBH compared to the old versioning system people used to use like SVN and Mercurial. Git is a godsend. Just taking your time in learning and not using a GUI client works wonders in learning how it works. Especially when all the GUI clients are basically a collection of commands being executed so if you fuck things up on CLI you know what happened vs using GUI.
Sadly this is not applicable in my country. If you want to get a Steam Deck unfortunately you’ll need to shell out more money compared to buying a PS5 or an Xbox Series X.
This is me right now. The job market has been so shit I’ve just keeping it together while trying to utilize my accumulated network of connections and start my own business.