He is going to kill the USD, just wait and see.
He is going to kill the USD, just wait and see.
Musk is the walking Dunning-Krueger, he is too stupid to realize how terrible he sounds.
I mean, your government is rounding up people without warrants or just cause to try and find illegals to deport them, it’s almost about as bad as it can get
He tries so hard to sound intelligent…
Is it cultural to smash you head in the cake or was he just throwing a temper tantrum because he didnt want the cake?
I’m in Canada and we have some extremely high rates of FASD(Fetal Alchohol Syndrome Disorder) within our indigenous population and its absolutely heartbreaking.
The mothers selfishness to drink during pregnancy has absolutely devastated these kids future, and the outcome of nearly all of them is not good and it is incredibly sad to watch.
These days life is super hard without disabilities, and with the disability it becomes nearly impossible unless you have strong family support, which in these cases nearly none of the have. We have government support for FASD cases, but the mother needs to admit to drinking during pregnancy, which surprise, surprise, most refuse to admit to it, which hurts their children even more as they don’t get the funding and support.
Canadian researchers estimate that 4% of Canadians have FASD
I mean, if your trying to play games in your Mac you’re going to have a bad time. Not to mention they mostly shipped em all with 8gb of ram so you’re forced to upgrade in 2 years.
Uh oh, they discovered our Elite team of strictly gay and black special forces… our ultimate weapon has been exposed…
LCD is distractingy loud, OLED is very quiet.
I had a LCD, and it was good, but the fan was super annoying and battery life was abysmal, and it even got a little warm. The fan was so loud it would drown out the sound of some games and was very distracting. I debated since launch about an OLED upgrade but didn’t think it was worth it till this Christmas when I decided to upgrade.
Wow, this thing is so much better. Almost silent, battery lasts waaaay longer and the screen I never expected to be saw jaw dropping. My only regret is I waited so long to upgrade.
Elon is just mad he didn’t think of it first.
So Russians can be in perpetual war and suffer for an indefinite amount of time, or simply just get rid of Putin …
What the hell are they waiting for? why isn’t Putin behind bars already.
Only psychopaths are capable of becoming billionaires.
Normal people would share or cut fair deals to those involved, as a society we need to say enough is enough and tax them so there is no such thing as a billionaire.
Catholic church is responsible for the worst atrocities in history.
Honestly not sure how anyone could support them anymore with how readily available historical information is.
I use “second brain” system with obsidian for most notes. I use Microsoft to-do for quick to-do’s, but want to find a non-Microsoft replacement.
Me too, I was definetely duped by him. It’s embarassing now that I see how much of a man child he is.
And a shit father, considering his resources he may just be the worst father in history.
Back in my day, we used to call them shooters…
But we had to fight uphill, both ways…
Elon was able to select and shut down exact receivers to stop a Ukranaian attack on Russia that would have been devastating from a last minute plea in desperation from Putin.
Elon was not born in the US and does not have the US best interests as his own. I think he should be forced to sell to an actual American or goverment ideally who wouldn’t abuse it to help your biggest enemy.
This technology should not be private.
I have about 6 of them scattered around my house. It would be nice if they made a portable unit for on the go.
Damnit, I came here to blame Joe Biden, but it seems like everyone else beat me to it. Oh well, time to go tariff some more countries and then act shocked by the results…