They will trigger a laser alarm though. Depends what type of fire alarm you have. I have a laser alarm in my house and if I open the bathroom door too quick after a shower the steam can even trigger it.
They will trigger a laser alarm though. Depends what type of fire alarm you have. I have a laser alarm in my house and if I open the bathroom door too quick after a shower the steam can even trigger it.
I found Tunic to be a bit obtuse, but I’m usually a wiki gamer and that game really seemed like one where I should not do that. As a result I really didn’t know what I was doing for a good while. I’ve never had a game make me work so hard to learn to read before, and even that I only learned by cheating…
All that said though, fantastic game, 10/10, it feels like classic Zelda bred together with Hollow Knight. I do recommend it. If you’re going in blind though, be prepared to use your head and maybe also a pad of paper.
I followed you all here from The Bad Place, of course I do. I love you all equally. Except the planefuckers. Y’all frighten me.
Anywhere else I’d take the OP’s username as a semi-alarming nod toward the former, but considering where we are, shit that’s just another tuesday at NCD
Anecdotal, but I’ve never once had a problem with any function of Firefox in the decade I’ve been using it. On the contrary it’s been the most stable browser I’ve had the pleasure of using, orders of magnitude more reliable in all situations than Chrome or Opera ever was.
This post smells of astroturfing. There’s been an awful lot of “why is Firefox so shit?” posts recently, now that Google is proving itself untrustable.
It was me. I was the smartest kid in my class for most of school. Then I dropped out of college and now I fix cars for a living.
Not saying that’s a bad thing, the world needs mechanics and I’m paid well enough to live, but the sense of lost or wasted potential is overwhelming.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and all that.
Fuck yeah, good for Mike. That sort of thing still works sometimes, but you have to be really, really good at what you do. But getting a good portfolio in the right hands at the right time is really all it takes.
It’s “technically” a combat vehicle
After reviewing this list I have neglected to mention Shadows of Forbidden Gods, a Civ like where you play as Cthulhu, and more importantly I forgot to talk about Deep Rock Galactic and will be hurling myself into lava as penance at my nearest convenience.
Hell yeah I would.
If you enjoy roguelikes, I got you in spades.
Outside of the roguelike genre there are also a couple good ones that I’ll name, though I do admit this list will probably be shorter:
I have to stop myself here because I could go on about this all night and still not be done. Gaming is my main hobby and indie games are the main games I play. Name me a genre you enjoy and I’ll scroll around for recommendations if none of the above catch your eye.
It’s the golden age of indie games. I’ve got dozens of games on my steam library made by a team of between 1 and 12 people that I bought for $20 or less. Those guys are doing great, and doing great work. I rarely ever even give a second glance to big AAA releases anymore, with a couple specific exceptions.
More like, you know damn well that Jim keeps passing code reviews without reading a line in them, he’s been talked to, still does it, and you need something actionable to prove it so that you can get someone’s ass in his chair who does their job.
Will be interesting to see where it goes. Mostly I’m just happy to see anything escape the clutches of Embracer Group.
Some of those I understand complaining about but honestly Sets & Logic is a great class for a programmer. I wish that was in the standard math path so that everyone got a little of it in high school, the closest I got was doing proofs in geometry which while that is a sort of logic training it doesn’t really teach you how to make use of anything.
Also, depending what you’re building exactly, advanced Calc and Numerical Analysis may be very useful and/or required to perform. Especially if you’re trying to accurately model something that happens in meatspace.
When you hit phase 2 of the fight and the boss pulls out a crack pipe
Ah, glad you asked. Let’s talk about mate-in-omega.
Sure, that’s fair. And you might have had good parents. But that does not always generalize.
This is good advice. Most people aren’t weird enough to be happy. Pay attention and you’ll notice most of the super weird people, that project their weirdness and wear it openly, are pretty joyful people. They have shed societal expectation to simply exist as they wish to be.
Now there is a balance there, too far in that direction and you sometimes end up unemployed and homeless. But hell, even most van hippies are pretty happy people. You’ve just gotta find where your own balance is on the scale.
I may risk being too credible here, but a $80 drone is a lot more expendable than a $40m laser tank. The drone can be considered a consumable. Hell, mark the drones down as ammo.