Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
yeah, they do. unfortunately a lot of people are stuck in situations not easily got out of… that’s why they escape to their car…
from people I’ve talked to who do that (and me) it’s usually to get away from other people before going inside somewhere. like the husband who chills in his car to avoid the wife, or the son who doesn’t wanna go in to deal with the dad yet.
the car is a portable bubble, an escape, your own little contained environment in which you can exercise some form of control. a mini home away from home for some.
earliest memory is of the Nintendo 64, but it’s a blur to me whether i played Crash Bandicoot, Goldeneye, Banjo Kazooie, or Mario Kart 64 first. Probably Mario Kart because we had the steering wheel attachment and that’s irresistible to kids.
y = mx + b
i prefer to buy in-store when i can because i like to be able to feel the textures of the product and to see the size of the thing in real life, which is hard to do from just an image. yeah sonetimes they put a ruler next to the photo but it’s not the same as being able to turn the object around in your hands, smell it, stretch it, test it, etc.
damn im sorry that you’re only getting dads
This is it, in my experience. They think all you need to read is the bible and no other books. But if you’re only reading the bible, you miss out on everything in all other books, which is a lot.
The Croning by Laird Barron
valid lol, sometimes gotta take a break for a while
^ this
they read books
I use Proton Drive in a browser