Do people really expect it to be anything other than just more GTA? The bar doesn’t seem to be set that high.
Do people really expect it to be anything other than just more GTA? The bar doesn’t seem to be set that high.
lmao that’s cool as hell
What are your thoughts on polyamory?
If they are polyamorous, it’s a no. If they have been polyamorous before but say they’re looking for a monogamous relationship this time, also no. If they use the term “ethical non-monogamy” in a positive way, even if they claim they’re monogamous, straight in the fucking bin.
I have used a check. I’m more likely to be able to get a mortgage and buy a house than to be accepted for a rental again, though I’ll likely die before paying it off. I still keep a fair amount of actual cash at home “just in case”.
Will be interested to hear your guesses.
Imagine a time before instant communications, where you have no idea how life has treated the recipient since you last saw them and it might take months for your letter to arrive. It is a sincere hope that they are well and that tradgedy has not befallen them.
It would be neurotic and unreasonable if your last update on their life was only days or even hours before, but in the days of letters hope is really all you had. It’s just honest.
To be fair, I’m certain that someone has written it with that as the intended meaning. It seems like the kind of passive aggressive thing some mannered British aristocrat would do.
It has it’s roots in actual letter writing, as in “I hope this letter finds you well”.
I can’t remember the last time I got a spam email honestly. I changed my address like 5+ years ago and it just stopped and never resumed. It’s not the email provider filtering them either, the only thing it catches are legitimate but automated messages.
deleted by creator
Starship Troopers is Heinlein not Dick, and it’s fascist nonsense. Verhoeven was right to throw the book in the bin after two chapters and the movie rules.
Never felt it in the first place, weekends always used to be stressful as a kid and it took a long time for them not to turn me into an anxious mess.
I love the website layout so much lmao
It’s neat but chronological seems like a psychotic way for someone new to Star Trek to get into it lol
ENT then STD, yikes.
It has been a long, long time since I watched watched Andromeda but I remember always thinking it might be on the verge of something interesting then it seemingly forgetting what it was setting up and moving on to something boring again. Besides, I have always had a soft spot for dodgy look sci-fi action adventure from the 90s/00s.
Also I had a crush on Lexa Doig.
That last season was especially painful though, my god.
I actually caught up on S4 recently, but unfortunately did not like it. S3 was actually the one I enjoyed the most of the two, if only because I thought it was really amusing that they just decided to do Andromeda.
It reminded me a lot of Stargate Universe, a complete tonal whiplash that was clearly imitating other popular shows rather than a continuation of the franchise. I was pretty kind to it in the beginning because SGU got pretty good after I got over it not being Stargate as well, but Discovery S2 completely killed any hope I had.
I literally never have. Same prepaid thing for like 15-20 years. The terms have changed a fair bit over the years but I still only dump the bare minimum for long/no-expiry from the same provider. Averaged out it’s only a few dollars a month.
It has some data now but I still just Wi-Fi hop in the rare situations I need internet.
Your pick reminds me I really should get into some naval fiction. I used to love it on the screen (Hornblower, Master and Commander, etc), I’m a big fan of it’s sci-fi equivalents, I was into sailing as a kid and I am a total sucker for command drama stuff. Frankly, I’m shocked I’ve never read any naval fiction as far as I can remember.
Oh god, I really hope my phone doesn’t do that when it records. The recording button is on the screen during calls and I accidentally hit it all the time.