This has to be THE dad joke meme format
Tactic developed by Wagnar.
The create a plan with fixed waypoints for a squad to run. They plan for 5-8 squads to run the route at set intervals.
The idea is each squad exposes the Ukrainian position so the next squad knows where to attack. By sending so many squads in a short space of time the Ukrainian position is overwhelmed.
Wagner would plan to have the first 4-7 squads made up of convict units with minimal training, with a trained well equipped squad operating as a reserve. The idea being as soon as a Ukrainian position looked to be close to failure the reserve is dispatched.
Fundamentally everyone apart from the well trained reserve exists to soak up bullets and explosives. They are “meat”.
The Russian army had “well” trained battalions, as those battalions are attrited it would shrink them down to maintain effectiveness.
With Wagner’s success they backfilled the battalions with convict and mobilisation soliders. Those soliders are used following the tactic above with the original remnants of the battalion representing the well trained reserve.
This is how Russia solved their inability to train new soliders
I have always had 1 question.
In voyager we see the Borg have thousands of ships of varying sizes and control a vast area of space. Voyager is able to take down spheres and small cubes.
Yet in Wolf 359 a single cube attacks and destroys hundreds of star fleet vessels. If a single cube is able to have that level of effect why didn’t the borg commit a larger fleet?
You have the same issue in First Contact, they only commit 1 cube.
Considering how difficult the federation finds holding them back, attacking with 3-6 cubes would seemto assure victory
Similar to most navies.
Engineering’s workload won’t really change, they’ll do certain types of maintenance.
Most navies don’t have command staff on the bridge full time. There would be a watch officer who is fairly junior learning how to operate the ship so the down time is an opportunity for them to grow and learn.
Most navies seperate the captain and first officer, with the first officer involved in running the ship and the captain running the big picture.
So you would expect the first officer to spend the time checking on every department to ensure they are up to standard.
That would mean department heads would be running drills or bringing equipment down for maintenance so its ready.
The captain would likely be planning and thinking through the encounter.
For any free time senior officers have there is probably a mountain of reports (personnel, ship, intelligence, etc…) to read and keep tabs on.
@ergoplato I didn’t suggest that.
Personally I don’t think its ego. I think you have two issues.
The first is people go through stages learning DevOps. Stage 1 has people deploy a CI because its cool, they build a few basic pipelines and then 90% of people get bored. The 2nd stage is people start extending those pipelines, it results in really complex pipelines requiring lots of unique changes based on the opinion of the writer. You move to the 3rd stage when your asked to recreate/extend for a new project and realise how specific your solutions are.
Learning how to make minor tweaks and hook in a few key points to get what you want takes years. Without that most packagers will want to make big changes upstream which won’t go down well.
The second issue, I have met quite a few developers who become highly stressed when the build system is doing something they haven’t needed to do or understand.
A really simple example I have a Jenkins function which I tend to slip into release pipelines, it captures the release version and creates a version in Jira.
I normally deploy it first as a test before a few other functions to automate various service management requirements.
Its surprising how many devs will suddenly decide every problem (test failed, code failed review, sharepoint breaks, bad os update, etc…) is due to that function.
For me this little function is a test, if the team don’t care I will work to integrate various bits. If they freak out, I’ll revert decide if it is worth walking them through the process or walk away.
One of the reasons for the #DevOps movement is developers see building and packaging as #notmyjob.
The task would historically fall on the most junior member of the team, who would make a pigs ear out of it due to complete lack of experience.
This is compounded by the issue that most C/C++ build systems don’t really include dependency management.
Linux distributions have all tried to work out those dependency trees but they came up with slightly different solutions. This is why there are a few “root” distributions everything branches from.
That means developers have to learn about a few root distributions to design a deb/rpm/aur package systems to base their release around.
That is a considerable amount of learning in a subject most aren’t interested in.
The real question is why don’t package maintainers upstream a packaging solution?
The best theory I have seen is the Biden administration is trying to ‘manage’ the conflict. A belief they can dictate levels of aid to determine a geo politically satisfactory outcome.
Concerns around unmanaged escalation made sense but the UK has been pretty focussed on methodically moving up the escalation ladder to demonstrate Russia won’t resort to nuclear strikes (Brimstone, Challenger 2 tanks, setting up the F16 coalition, Storm Shadow, etc…).
The USA expects China to be the next conflict zone, that is a naval/air situation where ATACM’s can’t be used. Suffering a shortage of ATACM’s in the near term isn’t really an issue especially if you’ve already put in place contracts to address the gap.
It never quite finds its grove.
Season 1, 2 & 3 all had fantastic premises I would have loved 7 seasons of but were all unrelated and concluded within a season.
Season 4 actually demonstrates the missed opportunity, they deal with the fall out of season 3
For example if you think of the scene set in “A Vulkan Hello”, you would have ended up with an Action focussed version of DS9.
You didn’t need a spore drive, Jason Isaacs could have stayed the same and we could still have watched scientists struggle to become soliders with the war causing the type of fall out we see in Season 4.
Its a responsive designed website, why do you need an Application?
Github stars is not a good metric, firstly because KBin is hosted on codeberg but mainly because a healthy project has lots of unique contributors and regular updates/enhancements.
KBin has 79 open Pull Requests, while Lemmy has 29. From a visual check PR’s seem to be older than 2 weeks. Its hard to say one is “healthier” than the other, without scraping information into a spreadsheet.
Secondly Rust is new and has a lot of hype surrounding it, as a result you get a lot of people using it on random projects.
Languages have strengths and weaknesses and developer ecosystems build on the strengths.
For example if I was writing a web application with a database backend I would choose C#, Java or Node.js because there are loads of libraries, tools and frameworks to make it really easy.
Rust is gaining a lot of adoption by embedded system users (replacing C mostly). Lemmy is the only Rust based web server project I am aware of. Which means the level of work to do anything and to keep it updated falls on the Lemmy devs rather than spread out amongst a larger community.
Everyone loves to insult PHP but it has a niche in webservers and won’t disappear anytime soon. KBin effort will thus be spent on KBin.
There is a standard for sharing tweet style information and for threaded type information between websites.
You have software which implements the tweet standard (Mastodon), the threaded standard (lemmy) and both (KBin).
You’ll notice some communities will be or, etc… this indicates they are not local to the website your using and those addresses are KBin instances, its just your website has a copy of the information.
KBin is newer than Lemmy, it has a fairly simple responsive design that works well on mobile. Lemmy has a REST api so its easier to build mobile applications, a lot of people seem to expect/need to access websites via mobile applications.
The key difference is Lemmy is developed by Tankies, they think China’s genocide of Ughurs is justified and they administer
Just to add.
Look at any hobby in your life and break out the money spent vs the enjoyment you got out of it.
For example the Cinema costs me £10 and a film is 2 hours long, meaning my fun time costs £5 per hour.
A £100 console would have to provide me 20 hours entertainment for it to be comparable to going to the cinema.
These days any PS4 game will have 10-40 hours content, but buying them costs money. Popping on CEX website the most expensive PS4 games are £12. Assuning you only get 10 hours of fun from a game…
The question you should ask yourself is are there 3 games on the PS4 you are interested in playing?
Honestly all of that would stress me out.
The few times my partner and son leave me alone, I tidy the entire house and get every chore done with the goal of being able to do nothing (except walk the dog).
Being able to shower, dress and chill out to my own schedule is heaven. I would probably put star trek, Stellaris or Minecraft on. Maybe… make a coffee and eat chocolate all day with a book
So reading twitter…
It seems much of the “Ammunition shortage” Prigozhin was loudly complaining about was stock pilling. Similarly much of Wagnar was pulled out of Ukraine to rebuild.
There have been suggestions Prigozhin was planning to launch an attack on Sunday but the Russian MoD attacked a Wagner site forcing him to launch a day early.
One tweet suggested Wagner soliders had been calling family all day (e.g. before a big operation).
Seizing Rostok Von Don was a clever initial play, since its a major logistics hub. This allowed him to arm his troops and provides a base if the coup fails.
It seems the South Military District gave up without a fight, with soliders surrendering.
Prigozhin has sent a shock force to Moscow, its bypassing major cities and trying to get there ASAP. There is a belief senior Kremlin officials will abandon ship.
Various helicopters are attacking the shock force but it seems Wagner are using air defence. Various MI-8, KA-52 and a ll-s2 have been shown destroyed.
The Tik Tok bigrade are trying to attack Rostok, considering they aren’t “true Russians” and were used as barrier troops, this doesn’t seem to be going down well. They are also stripping Donetsk of defenders to do this.
Its a really immature and niave response from Kev. Information is power, he’s chosen to operate without knowledge for internet points.
Meta think there is potential to enlarge their market and make money, Kev’s response won’t impact their business making decisions.
Kev should have gone to the meeting to understand what Meta are planning. That would help him figure out how to deal with Meta entering the space.
I don’t expect he could shape their approach but knowing they want to do X, Y or Z might make certain features/fixes a priority so it doesn’t impact everyone else
Thats two hundred years and would cover the end of Plantagenet reign and the Tudor era.
Henry VIII reign happened during that period, at the beginning of your time period everyone would be catholic and at the end Queen Mary of Scotts was executed because the idea of a Catholic on the throne was unthinkable.
The UK is littered with castles and estates, normally they focus on specific historic events which happened at that location.