Peter Pearson.
The shell cracked. I emerged. How it will end is anyone’s guess.
Peter Pearson.
If a bear shits in the woods, is the Pope Catholic? (Equally perplexing question…)
Can’t get them to run on Windows.
I didn’t go anywhere. I spend a lot of time on YouTube and enjoy the service immensely. Also, YouTube Music is my main streaming source. And yeah, I pay for both, every month. It’s worth it to me. YMMV.
I think that’s a really good point. Of course it’s easier said than done, and any particular neighborhood environment could make it difficult to accomplish. I live in suburban Southern California. Our neighborhood is near the beach, about 150 years old. We have condo boxes, old post-WWII flats, ranch style houses, apartments, AirBnBs. I’m retired, loquacious, and I keep an eye out. I’ve met most of my neighbors, know them by name, and I try to stay out of their hair. I even say hello to the AirBnB peeps. We have an older lady next door, kind of a shut in. Never saw her outside. One day I left a note in her mailbox, introducing myself and my wife. Told her we were always around, and if she needed a hand once in a while (as we all do), we’d be able to help. She got back to me and was very grateful and happy I dropped the note. You never know, you might make someone’s day or even save their life.
Your comment has been my experience. I’ve been a homeowner in the same house for 30 years. We did a remodel after we first arrived. Gotta say we were naive about many things, plumbing fixtures included. Most of our pipe valves were (as you described) those oval knob jobbies. They are simple compression fixtures that screw in for many turns until the valve closes. These are terrible, awful and very bad. Mine suffered corrosion and froze in place. We recently went through another remodel, and among other things, had all new valves installed. This time we used 1/4 turn brass valves. A simple 90 degree turn and the valve is closed. Much less susceptible to corrosion/rot, etc. They cost more during installation, but in the long run you save time, money and sanity.
Loves me some Boost. Boost is the moost.
Exercise their water valves. Crawl under the kitchen sink and the bathroom sink, reach around behind the toilet, find the hot and cold valves behind the washing machine. Especially if you live in a hard water area as I do, in Southern California. I have it on my calendar to do it twice a year. If I don’t, the valves will eventually become calcified and ossified and worthless. I say this based on hard experience.
I’m here working at developing a community every day. It’s the community for my hometown, a large city on the coast of California. I try to post some interesting original content at least every other day, including photos.
Sometimes I feel like it’s a personal echo chamber, but there are lots of lurkers and upvotes, so I keep going. Reading lots of other Lemmy communities going forward. It’s all good.
Suggest not going anywhere when drunk. In fact, suggest not getting drunk.
I use Claude.ai a lot, and I like it. It can and will gin up a lot of nonsense, on occasion. I’ve asked it some pointed questions on arcane subjects I know details about, and it’s spit out a pack of crap. I always preface my query with a statement asking Claude to admit when it doesn’t have a factual answer, rather than making one up out of whole cloth. Seems to work.
Via Claude.ai, a simplified version of the OP’s complaint: (I really wish people who say that they “can’t write” would process their text through an A.I. “editor” to save us all from their bombastic prose.)
For years, my peers told me to avoid Apple devices. However, none of them actually used Apple devices recently. Their knowledge was based on outdated information or peer pressure.
I’m in the EU where Apple isn’t as popular. I’ve used Android phones and Windows PCs for 15 years. I was constantly let down by my phones after 1-3 years, across brands like HTC, LG, Sony, Samsung, Xiaomi, Nokia, OnePlus. Each phone had issues like notification problems, bad battery life, slow camera, restarts.
A year ago, I decided to try an iPhone 13 to see what the fuss was about. After a week, I was doing everything on the iPhone. Six months later, when my Windows laptop died, I considered a thin Debian laptop.
Then I remembered my peers’ anger when I switched to iPhone. So I looked at Mac laptops, which were similarly priced. I got a base M2 Air. I loved the iPhone-Mac integration and features like AirDrop.
My “friends” mocked me for using Apple, claiming I was “locked in” and “fell for marketing.” But I don’t use any paid Apple services. I connected my Apple devices to my home server successfully. I feel more freedom because some things work better than on Android or Windows.
Why so much hate without first-hand experience? Why can’t I decide for myself? Why is Apple connectivity looked down on when that’s not the case? Shouldn’t you at least try before judging?
I live for the pull-through. Wanna see me lose my shit? Be there as someone pulls into a space (which offers a clean pull-through) AND DOESN’T PULL-THROUGH. It takes every kilo of self control for me not to walk up to the window, rap on the glass and yell “DA FUCKSAMATTA WIT U?” I have passions.
Tangled up in Blue.