This. And if you have kids that just want a large catalogue of random games, it’s perfect.
Doesn’t seem many people commenting here like the idea. But for me personally, and my family situation, saves me heaps of money.
Or you could tear the Dyson hand dryer off the wall and carefully jimmy the door open with it
And colostomy bags
Video games and heavy metal I found is good for my mental health
In units of JWSTs
We need a fuckyouinpaticular sub
I remember playing Alien Isolation on the original Xbox one(?) with the spy camera thing. Anyway, you could activate the mic on it and the Alien would react to sounds in your (physical) room. So tense when I’d be hiding from the Alien and my toddler kids would come in making noise and I’d be ripped to shreds. Good times.
So is there a Lemmy/kbin equivalent?
Didn’t we just finish one circuit of this merry-go-round 6 days ago?
I am also curious. Especially whether there’s some Lemmy-specific feature, or if it’s just up to the way you connect, and some apps are integrating with an image service directly.
I see a book release in his near future
Thanks. So like Mastodon. I even got the notification. Very nice!
Thank you!
These conversations bring the weirdest people out of the woodwork. I remember talking with a guy who explained to me how crap Apple laptops were because you (according to him) can’t customise them. Turns out he’d never owned or even used an Apple laptop. I was like, why do you care?! Especially about something you have no experience with!
I did the same. Then realised I could follow most of the more interesting kbin magazines from lemmy. So that’s where I’ve stayed.
Also, having a mobile app is probably the second most important thing to me (after content). And lemmy has lots of options there.
Seems to be a know bug and fixed I the latest test flight version. Was just chatting with them on Discord. They posted this
Maybe. I’m on an iPhone 12 mini.
I did scroll the most recent comments in the App Store and see someone say the same. So hopefully it’s on their radar. I don’t see anywhere to report bugs other than GitHub.
Edit: here’s a screen recording
I’m getting a really weird bug with memmy. Whenever I bring the app back into the foreground I have the colour briefly flash from light mode back to dark mode. Ug.
I’m surprised this doesn’t have more votes. MASH was just full of great episodes. Including probably the greatest series finale of all time. Just incredible.