this place simply isn’t big enough to have the niche communities
Yeah. Wanted to recommend Lemmy to a friend, but the few topics they were mainly interested in had little to no engagement.
this place simply isn’t big enough to have the niche communities
Yeah. Wanted to recommend Lemmy to a friend, but the few topics they were mainly interested in had little to no engagement.
Nice example link you used there
Generally anything that comes after a questionmark in a URL can be safely stripped out, though not always. The random string of characters you get after a youtu.be link is tracking, the ?t=123 is a timestamp.
uBlock Origin also has a filter built-in, though you have to enable it. It’s under Filter Lists > Privacy > AdGuard URL Tracking Protection
To someone broke; €1000 is invaluable.
To a millionaire; €1000 is another drop in the bucket.
The first €1000 is so much more valuable than the 1000th. A flat rate across all earnings isn’t fair to the vast majority of those who can barely, or cannot make ends meet.
The wealth gap is already growing, if anything millionaires aren’t being taxed enough. Singular persons do not need to have enough wealth to begin a small nation, I thought we left such fiefdoms behind with the middle ages.
No, that is not how it works.
There’s a certain cost of living. Housing, food, transport. There’s a certain “floor” you have to earn or you’ll have a miserable time in the world as it is.
Once you get above that earnings floor wealth suddenly starts to accumulate. You can get a nicer house, a fancier car, go out to eat and vacation more often. Which is all nice and good, people should be able to do such things, but those are secondary luxuries on top of what you need to live.
So instead of taxing everything, say, 50%, the lower brackets are given some slack with reduced taxes.
I doubt people earning over €227,000 a year have any issues paying for rent, why shouldn’t they get taxed more to bring earnings more in line? That way more money can go to support the lower earning demographics.
Signed it when it came up a previous time
I assume it blocks something from loading, but I wouldn’t exactly know. I haven’t looked into it.