2 months agoI’ve been learning Monster Hunter and am a little ways in - I started out with SnS but am trying out some other tools too. I kinda interspersed it with trying out Dark Souls too (which definitely feels like the more punishing of the two!) and it’s been pretty interesting to try out a more Japanese perspective on combat that’s often described like “watching animations and taking turns”. I’ve also been doing a bit of the Gower MMO Brighter Shores from time to time. It’s been lovely to see Andrew’s particular sense of understated humour in the quest dialogue, and I’ve slowly got a few hundred levels here and there idling away for XP.
I saw a thread discussing Jayz’s RTFM podcast (where he mentioned meeting up with Steve) and the commenters were concerned, already saying Steve was doing like 100 hour weeks (there are only 168h total in seven days, if true that doesn’t leave a lot for sleep!). Sadly that doesn’t feel sustainable to me. :(