So you’re not allowed to look in the passenger’s general vicinity at all then?
So you’re not allowed to look in the passenger’s general vicinity at all then?
Feels like something from the SCP Foundation.
And billionaires didn’t have to isolate in a studio apartment.
Eminence in Shadow? I only know the term from the anime. What does it mean here?
I’m curious how stable diffusion plays into taking over the world.
Are you saying Keanu did a bad job as Silverhand?
I never noticed anything weird with the speed people speak. But I only played it after 2.0 released. Maybe they fixed that?
As someone who doesn’t know much about that industry, why is transparency on what people are watching important?
I totally agree that it’s a ridiculous thing for them to implement, but saying that consent is required to say ‘hi’ is a bit over the top. I’m assuming the receiving party will still be able to block the sender of course since I’m pretty sure that’s required by Google and Apple.
But if everyone has a shitty experience with it, they won’t recommend it or even tell people to stay away from it. But if it works well, they’ll praise it, thus gaining more users.
People still do that on IRC actually. The only ones I know of off the top of my head are for ebooks though.
Isn’t Google Meet (previously Duo) kinda like FaceTime?
That’s neat. I didn’t know IRC…err… Lemmy did that.
Doesn’t look like stars to me.
YouTube is blocking adblockers? News to me
Isn’t asking for tap water at a restaurant generally frowned up in Germany? I heard the restaurants make a lot or most of their profit from drinks, including bottled water.
I recommend you stop that immediately. I lived in Shanghai for a few years and the problem isn’t microbial presence in the water, it’s the poorly maintained pipes that may leach metals into the water on its way to your home. Boiling of course does nothing to lessen this. The only option is to use bottled water or a really good filter system.
I certainly agree with the possible cause. The part I can’t figure out is the lack of logic in the actions. Why try to push into the people attempting to get off the elevator when one could just wait a few seconds and get on in a more efficient manner? It all seems to increase the time it takes.
I’ve been told that many generations grew up in conditions where they had to fight and struggle for everything. If they allowed someone else to go first or get something before them, then they would lose out. Only oneself and family, everyone else is one their own. I suppose this overrides the logic I mentioned that is missing in the scenarios. I don’t think they’re trying to be rude, they’ve just been taught since birth that if you want or need something (like getting on an elevator), then you do it however you can that ensures success. In the elevator example, if you do wait for people to get off, others might not and could fill up the elevator before you get on, thus leaving you to wait for possibly several more minutes.
More evidence that the people in power there have the intelligence of a sack of shit. There are several advantages for a country when fewer of its residents consume alcohol. Health-wise, a reduction in alcohol consumption can lead to fewer alcohol-related illnesses and injuries, which would alleviate some of the burden on the healthcare system. Economically, individuals could potentially save money typically spent on alcohol, which could contribute to better financial health for many. A decrease in alcohol consumption would also lead to lower rates of alcohol-related accidents and crimes.