the swiss country is not a monolith. swiss politics caused this offer to be the result of a complicated consensus, not just “ludicrous conditions” emanating from a purely capitalist agent.
the swiss country is not a monolith. swiss politics caused this offer to be the result of a complicated consensus, not just “ludicrous conditions” emanating from a purely capitalist agent.
It’s funny I litterally just finished an episode of Search Engine, the ‘new’ PJ Vogt podcast, where that’s the actual question. It was the May 3rd episode, and they’re interviewing a researcher on the topic, etc.
that’s not really what hapoened, they boight those weapons knowing the conditions that were attached to it. The swiss political context is complex, it’s not a matter of one side vs the other but of consensus between a lot of actors defending various interests. This is why in this case the swiss left has been trying for years to stop swiss exports of weapons of war, while the right and far-right pushed for it.
They bought them knowing of the conditions they came with, which is fair if they now don’t want to buy new ones because of this same condition
You’re just presenting nuanced conclusions as overwhelming truths to put weight on your opinion, while taking a few shortcuts. You’re entitled to your opinion of course, but that doesn’t mean you get to dismiss any contradicting ones by deciding unilaterally what the words mean.
Chiropractice in the US might be just “cracking joints”, but it’s not true everywhere. If you can’t accept that, then I don’t know what to tell you.
That’s not what you said, you don’t get to lecture me by pretending you said something else.
Anything illegal deserves more yuck than I can count, but expressing your personal taste towards things that are legal and socially accepted (while frown upon) by dismissing a behaviour that you personslly disagree with is… dismissive.
I understand where you’re coming from, but you’re expressing your taste and values in a very dismissive way
Psychoanalysis was invented almost at the same time in Vienna and a lot of freudian concepts have since been critiqued due to his biases. Does it mean Austria forever owns psychoanalysis and anything that could be discovered since? There is a difference between a field of research, a scientific discipline and a paradigm. Debunking a theory that was invented more than a century ago doesn’t disqualify every research done after that. Also, paradigm change often comes from opposing theories from the same field they oppose. If we did like that, there wouldn’t be a lot of research field left standing.
You accept yourself that osteopathy was able to go beyond its suspicious origin, but refuse to imagine that chiropractice could do the same. Which is why I reiterate: chiropractice requiring no medical training is a north american thing.
in the us, again, it doesn’t happen like that in a lot of countries.
That’s just not true, regulations imply healthcare reimbursement, which implies strict control on the treatment and the practicians, because insurance companies hate paying.
…from a north american perspective.
Those definitions are just not true in a lot of countries outside of the us.
This is a very north american opinion, which also happens to be very condescending in tone, while op explicitly dismiss commenters who disagree with them. The practices designated by the various terms, such as chiropractors, osteopath, physical therapists, etc. vary depending on the countries and contexts, especially in some european countries where chiropractors must answer to the same standards and regulations as the other medical professions. This should be taken into account.
At least instant coffee makes sense in an economical way: it saves steps and time. what i don’t get are filter coffee machines, the coffee they make is always horrendous.
as a Swiss, it is an issue. our glaciers are metling more and more every year and we rely on hydropower a lot, we need all the rain and water we can get, even if it seems like there is a lot.
It made me think of this video from the rooster teeth podcast, where burnie tells a joke his dad used to tell (and this is the animated version).
people seem to forget d2 got updated a lot too, it wasn’t the balanced game people know right from the start, and we had to wait for litteral years after d1
if there is a cyclist on your right, it doesn’t matter if there are two lanes, you don’t cut their path: if they go straight, they have priority