Something something broken arms
Something something broken arms
And I’ve been using it for eight six of those 15 in RAID 5/6 with zero issues, so YMMW I guess. Sorry you experienced problems.
Sorry, I don’t see it. Do you mean in a reply to a comment?
I think OP needs to explain why a note taking app is not a diary app in their view.
I said I’ve been trying for 20 years. Obviously it’s a Brother.
I feel attacked by this post. I self host Home Assistant, recursive proxy servers, RSS readers, photo managers, vscode, media servers, download managers, backup solutions, git, password databases, economy trackers… And if I need to print from my macbook I have to email the file to myself because in twenty years I haven’t ONCE been able to host my printer on the network in a way that works for more than three days before randomly breaking.
Yeah… that’s what most of the frontend team uses… Or at least used to back in my days.
Imagine language changing to adapt to the world. Crazy times.
My goto selling point for Home Assistant is that I haven’t touched the outdoors light switch in 8 years.
With English as my second language, the difference between terrible and terrific has always confused me.
As soon as I saw this post I jumped on xkcd. Glad I checked the comments before replying, or I would have made quite the fool of myself.
The difference between one million and one billion is almost exactly one billion.
Not enough.
Depends on the language the script is written in.
If it’s bash/sh then it’s usually just $VARIABLE
I go the other way. I have linux installed pretty much just to run docker and qemu running windows with iommu passthrough. The performance hit is negligible, and with docker context
you can run docker-cli and devcontainers and stuff in the windows vm like native.
I usually say: start by removing all frontend resources - especially anything with my name on it - and see if it fixes things.
There was a really cool blueprint released which uses this. Basically, it asks for your calendar entries for the day, include those and weather info etc. in a prompt to e.g. chatGPT, asking for a summary, and then sends this reply as a notification to your phone.
Scripts can also return information now, allowing for cleaner scripts and automations theough Separation of Concern. For example; I sometimes want to turn on lights to a set brightness depending on the time of day, and now I can make a script to calculate the correct level that I then use in all automations. This eliminates the slight delay you get with e.g. f.lux or Adaptive Lighting.
All that space is there for a reason. Use it!